PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
g1breel, Sounds to me like you are trying to profile addons while using embedded libraries. Embedded addons appear as just part of the addon they are loaded in to WoW. However, the library is only loaded once even if multiple addons need it. So whichever addon loads first loads the library and ends up showing as using the CPU time that the library is using. UnderHood is Ace3 as is PitBull4. I suspect that Ace3 is using most of your CPU time. Which is pretty common when using PitBull4.
Some of that CPU is obviously coming from PitBull4's use of Ace3. I'll admit we seem to put a pretty hefty load on Ace3. I'm pretty sure most of that is coming from our extensive use of AceTimer3 in ways that it probably shouldn't be used. One of my todo list items is to go through and eliminate most of our use of AceTimer3.
Don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with AceTimer3. It's just not designed for the way we're using it.
Is there any instrumentation or debugging I can enable to help tell why the CPU consumption is so high when I have no frames being displayed? I'm happy to do the grunt work of figuring out why it's happening, I just need to know how I can gather the data.
Does deleting events in the Lua Texts module configuration cause Pitbull not to register for those events at all or just not perform text updates for those events? I'm wondering if Pitbull is responding to event even though it's not going to doing anything and that's the cause of the CPU load.
The other thing that occurs to me is that this may be related to suppressing the default Blizzard frames. When I disable Pitbull completely, UnderHood becomes the top CPU consumer while soloing, although it doesn't use anywhere near as much as Pitbull. When Pitbull is loaded, UnderHood no longer appears on the CPU consumption list at all, even though Pitbull isn't doing anything.
One question, is it possible to edit different frames by themselves? I mean, I really don't want my pet frame the same size as my own frame? Furthermore, I have no need to see my pet's cast bar. That was possible in PB3.0.
Great addon though.
chocozurean, CastBar doesn't actually poll. It just has to udpate on a timer in order to get a smooth castbar. I'm still unsure why it's chewing so much CPU time for you. Incidentally you wouldn't happen to be using TinyTip. There was a recent report of some sort of issue with it that causes PB4 to chew CPU time.
g1breel, It's hard to really say what your issue is. I know we still have some CPU sinks that we need to clean up. But there's only so much time. You can use a bug addon like BugSack or Swatter to capture errors. If you have any errors from PitBull4 please do open a ticket.
pawn83, string.sub(Name(unit),1,15) that would truncate the Name to 15 characters for example. Should be able to just wrap Name(unit) in any tags with the string.sub to do the truncate.
Kupotek, I'm not sure I understand what you're asking for. It sounds like you want vertical bars instead of horizontal but then I'm not sure what you mean by power at the bottom, space then health above it.
Am curious, how would I go about making a unitframe, where the power is at the bottom, space, then health above it, like a vertical column rather than a horizontal bar?
I couldn't seem to work this out. Thanks!
Love the addon, but one thing I don't care for and I cant figure out how to fix it myself.. is there anyway you can remove the race from "Class: Short" or just make one with nothing but level?
Sorry for being slow, but how would I implement that into the name scheme for raid frames?
I am not familiar at all with LUA, but I have made the transition. Just wondering if there is a way to truncate strings? Specifically, names on raid frames often extend into other nearby frames. This isn't always the case, so I don't want to just use a much smaller font.
I am currently using the standard name layout with it centered.
Check out the layout for those units you want to edit, and set "current text" to "Lua:Health", scroll down to "code", and choose how you want health to be displayed. I use "Health: absolute and percent", and i find it perfect.
I have been running Pitbull4 for the past 2 months, mostly with no problems. With the 22/jun beta build, I have discovered a bug although I can't quite pin it down. I run Pitbull solely as a raid/party unit frame provider (I use a HUD for self/pet/target). When soloing dailies, Pitbull is consuming significant more CPU than any other addon (twice the CPU of the next most demanding addon according to the CPU profiling in titan panel), and when I was raiding last night, the WoW client suddenly threw up complaining about a significant number of errors coming from an addon. Because of how I use Pitbull, I have the majority of modules disabled, so I am particularly surprised by the CPU demand coming from the module when not in party/raid
Is there anyway I can easily instrument this or an error capturing addon I can use to better identify where the bug is? I attached the saved variables file if that helps.
Let me know if you would prefer I file a ticket.