PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
Dagert, you can copy the Pitbull4.lua from the SavedVariables directory, to the other computer.
The SavedVariables are located at World of Warcraft\WTF\<ACCOUNT>\.
Where can I find a config file for transfer of settings to another computer? Is there such a thing?
So If a mob disengages from me and heads for my healer I've no way of knowing this until the healer starts crying.
Intended or fixable? I know X-perl has the feature where aggro (being targetted by a mob) makes the unitframe of that character glow. Am hoping for something similar with Pitbull as I much much prefer it.
am i missing something?
For raid frames, we have a wait list in groups 6,7 and sometimes 8, so I have to have the 10/25/40 mans checked (Dunno if it matters, but I am saying it in case it does)
Sort method: By group Sort Direction: Ascending Growth direction: Rows Down, Columns right 10/25/40 checked Filter type: By raid group I have groups 6,7,8 unchecked
Now fill the raid and move someone from Group 2 to either Group 6 or have someone from Group 3 leave the raid.
This is where the problem starts....if I am in G4 and on the bottom of the 5, then we all shift up one and basically "Fill in the spots" which means on the screen 4/5 of G4 are in 4th column and one G4 is in the 3rd column and one from G5 is in the 4th column
How can I make it so party groups are recognized and maintained inviolate in raid frames.
Secondly, and of course, there is 1 thing that doesn't work for me - when putting text into boxes there seems to be no option for just 'Level of X'
That is to say, under the NAME category I believe there is an option that displays my character as :
"44 Warrior Orc"
No other option seems to give me what I'm looking for which is either:
"44" or "44 Warrior"
There is an option that gives "44 Orc" Which isn't terribly useful for my ideal set-up but will work for now.
I'm likely being a dumbass, other than this it really is a very good looking piece o' shizzle!
I'm trying to find out how to display missing hp on my health bar. I used to edit the code provided in pitbull 3, but I'm not sure of the command in the new pitbull 4. Is there somewhere I can find this info?
Basically I want the format to be HP/Missing HP (Percent HP)
Edit: Nvm, I figured it out. Here's the code if anyone wants it:
squeedps, there's a ticket open on the pet xp bar. I haven't had a chance to look at it since I don't really play a hunter. It has some issues apparently.
I just want to say this project is awesome. I've been having fun with pitbull testing it out on some different toons that i have.
one thing i did come across and i'm not sure if it's been mentioned or not yet, but when I am on my hunter, I've got my pet's xp bar showing for the profile. When my pet lvls up, the bar disappears for seemingly no reason. When I lvl up, the bar comes back. I have the pet frame on a different profile than the player frame because I use a different mod to show my player xp bar (Dominos). I was using the version posted on curse.com and not here. I just downloaded the latest file to give it a go. If it was fixed since the curse.com posting this latest one, i appologize. If not, then maybe I can steer you in the direction of another minor bug.
Cheers! My cast bar is back. :)
I'm receiving the PitBull4_Aura: Unkown spell ID: 20554 on the PTR, when my character has the Essence of Wintergrasp buff.
Turning off the castbar module or the castbar on the player frame doesn't alter the options to hide the blizzard UI elements. You can control this with the options for the HideBlizzard module. Other CastBar addons would be under their own settings, we have no control over them.
I think it's at 30 yards atm? but my spells are a 36 yrd range ie it fades out before it's actually out of range :( anyhow great addon will use no matter what.
The range check should be based upon the proper spells for your class. So it really should be 36 yards. What class are you?
You can already change how much it fades under the layout settings for Faders.
I tested it on my lock on a friend who stood still. ran away, his frame faded but it was an extra 4 steps away before i wasn't able to buff him detect invisibility anymore.
Anywho it was just a suggestion if it can't be done it's no biggie :)
okay, i will disable party frames in raid.
i don't want to use the cast bar from pitbull. if i disable the cast bar module, or just disable the cast bar for the Player layout, i don't see my blizzard cast bar, or a cast bar from any other addon.
any hint here?
fennia, Nope you should just disable the party frames in raid. Can't really do it the other way around.