PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
What I want simply is for a 5, 10, or 25-man grid to appear when I am in one of these groups. Getting to this point is the difficult part. I did manage to almost have it setup but then there would always be raidframes appearing that I did not want.
For the time being I have had to go back to WoW's default UI. PitBull soundly defeated me. :)
I'm using a custom luatext for health text that replaces health information with a players status using AFK() DND() and Offline(). I know Status() is also an option but I'm fairly sure I've tested it as well and the symptoms still apply. Anyway, offline conditions seem to often not update the text properly, however a /rl will cause it to update. The health bar does properly "grey out" to show the correct status despite the text being incorrect. I've worked around the issue for now using "if not UnitIsConnected(unit) then" which seems to be reliable so far.
My second problem deals with the cast bar, as well as a custom luatext for casting information. My spells correctly appear to be interruptable until I target myself and cast something (mounting for example), then for the duration of the session all of *my* spells and abilities show as not interruptable. Other units casting still appears correct. I added the luatext to see if it would be a more reliable indicator...but its consistent with what the bar shows. I used UnitCastingInfo() and UnitChannelInfo() for the luatext, but again, it's consistent with what the bar shows.
A "spark" animation on the cast bar to represent global cooldown would be very helpful. Would be even better if it were something that could be attached to any bar, including a blank...but I'd settle for it being bound to the cast bar. Making it a whole new bar would work great too.
When you're sitting there staring at your cast bar to time your next instant cast at the end of a long cast, and you fire it off, some indication on the cast bar of when you can begin to cast another spell would be nice. Something similar to the existing mana spark animation.
"Castbars" addon has this feature and I miss it since switching to PitBull and opting to use the built in cast bar as opposed to a seperate very similar addon.
I know spamming buttons works too, but after a while the fingers get tired. I also know that the spiral cooldowns on my buttons show the GCD, however I've decided to disable the spiral cooldowns because its seems excessive to animate all the icons on my bars in order to show the same information. It's not just distracting to have all those buttons flickering at me, but I imagine it makes a performance hit to some degree (I have lots of buttons visible).
As mentioned before, if I target myself and "cast" a spell, all of MY cast spells from then on appear non-interruptable. In addition, if I target nothing or another unit other than myself after this has happened and channel an AOE (blizzard) nothing changes, however if I target myself and cast blizzard it correctly shows as interruptable. At this point the entire glitch is resolved again and both channeled spells and cast spells are displayed properly, until I repeat the problem by "Casting" a spell while targeting myself.
You should post the issue about interruptible casts (both this post and your reply to yourself below) as a ticket of a bug and we can look at it further. My guess is that its looking at if YOU can interrupt it... and I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard code believes you can't interrupt your own casts. (it is actually impossible to cast a second spell that interrupts during the first spell.... so that would be somewhat logical.) I am not super familiar with what the calls are that update those functions.
I do not actually add code to PB4. I'm more of a help desk troubleshooter type helper that writes guides for people. While I do have an add on of my own that I wrote... I assure you that you do not want me fiddling with your PB4 code at this point! D=
Not sure about the cast/interrupt thing...this function doesn't seem to have arguments other than "unit" according to wowwiki.
UnitCastingInfo("unit") = spell, rank, displayName, icon, startTime, endTime, isTradeSkill, castID, interrupt
It doesn't seem to be as configurable as the other bars. For example, I may want to display it (as empty) even if I'm not in combat. Maybe the threat feature is still being worked on?
@jrent82, Known issue with 4.0.3. They made a change that broke our config mode. It's going to take some significant work to restore it. I just haven't had time to get to it.
I checked, and no this is not currently possible. I don't know if it's planned, but it does sound like an interesting feature.
I just downloaded Pitbull for the first time today on the Curse client (I believe the newest version). There's a lot of options, and it's kind of overwhelming, but I like what I've seen, so I want it to work for me. I can't seem to get the configure mode to work properly. I've read the FAQ and the guide, and I think that I'm doing everything correctly. I turned off all the other addons. No matter what mode I choose (party, 10-man raid, etc.), it only shows me the frames that I would expect to see solo (Target, TargetTarget, Focus, FocusTarget, etc.). I'm willing to bet that it's user error since I can't find anything about it in the forums. I see the words Party and Party Pets underneath the other UFs, but they are noninteractive and do not show any bars, they are just white words. What am I doing wrong?
They were working fine before my flight on Tuesday.... ¬.¬
All of this is possible.
1) Layout editor > Make sure you have a unique layout for each type of unit or group. So you would have a player, target, targettarget, party, etc.
2) For either Units or Groups, make sure that your particular item has the correct layout selected. For example, I have a targettarget layout which I use for my targettarget unit.
So for my targettarget example:
- Click Layout editor on the left.
- Find "current layout" and in the dropdown box choose the entry you would like to copy the settings from.
- Underneath "New layout" type "targettarget"
- change the settings however you like (e.g. disable the portrait)
- click Units on the left
- Under Current unit, change the dropdown to select the "Target's target"
- Under layout, change the dropdown to select the "targettarget" layout you just made.
Press f1 to target yourself. You should see your targettarget appear. Maybe it's underneath something else, so look carefully. Drag it to where you want it to go. If you can't drag it, check /pb and at the top is "frame movement" - change it to "unlocked with snap".
I hope this helps.