PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
rach3l, you know, those people use their spare time to develop addons, and they do it without getting payed or anything. They've done a great lot of improvements over pitbull 3, some of which have been within the category you mention. I can agree with you that inheritance would help quite a lot, but the way you get the message through really just pisses me off. I'm an addon developer myself, and yes, I like feedback, but when the feedback is given in a way that gives me the feeling that "this ain't good enough! GET TO WORK" is the real message, I just don't want to continue. Again, they use their spare time, and their work should at the very least be appreciated. They've also stated it's not done, so any issues / problems should be posted using the ticket system, and they'll take a look at it.
I've left pitbull for STUF after upgrading to PB4 from PB3 for a day, and only partially because the mod is incomplete. I will probably not return, I've been frustrated for a long time with the problems that crop up when adding members into group/raid while I'm in combat, causing ghosting of bar colors and preventing me from targeting people. This is especially problematic in Alterac Valley when players are leaving and entering the raid constantly, and it's hard to get out of combat; I can't go 15 minutes without reloading my UI in that particular battleground.
Some tips to get pitbull4 off the ground based on the day I spent with it:
The way layouts are structured right out of the box, so to speak, needs a lot of improvement. I shouldn't have to create a layout called party for my party frames, it should be assumed that a party (or player, or raid) layout would be necessary and come with some default values, and already be associated with the corresponding unit frames. These should all inherit values from the "Normal" layout unless the user specifies non-inheritance. But most of all, it's just obnoxious to have to create a new layout, then associate it with the corresponding set of bars every single time. I really don't like the layout thing as it is right now, it's just really clunky and non-intuitive (not hard to learn, but it remains time-consuming).
I DESPISE the menu setup as it currently is. It took the better part of 2 hours to remember where all the options were. Also, as a shaman, it was seriously tough to locate the totem bar config options! I spent 10 minutes just finding out where they were!
Please add inheritance capability! The way it works now: I resized all of my bars together using the default "Normal" layout early on. Then a little later I made a specialized "target" layout to show more buffs/debuffs than I want to see on any of my other bars, but would in all ways besides this little tweak in auras be identical to the Normal layout. 15 minutes later, I went back to change the size of all of my bars again through the Normal layout, but oh crap... my target frame didn't change size with the others, because it doesn't inherit from Normal once I create and apply the Target layout to the target frame. Now I have to change bar size in 2 different places. Inheritance would eliminate this conflict.
Lastly, I had a strange bug out of the box with PB4. I hadn't touched any party bar settings AT ALL, but I had two sets of identical party bars show up the first time I entered a group, one of which was not at all configurable. I could move it but I could not apply a layout to it, and it was labeled identically to the real party frames (had the same name listed, I'm positive it wasn't targets or pets). Although I could apply layouts to the "real" set of party bars, I could not delete the ghost set nor figure out any way to configure, rename, apply layouts to, or remove it. I tooled around for an hour trying to figure out how to get rid of that one set of bars, and this was the straw that caused me to uninstall pitbull altogether.
I have my layout set up allright. However, when in party, I get 2 unit frames for each member of the party, instead of just one; thus, there are two vertical rows of unit for my party and the second one collides with other elements of my UI. Am I doing something wrong? I doubt this would be a previously unnoticed bug that sneaked past alpha into this late stage in testing.
Thanks in advance for any pertinent input.
It gets a bit recursive when you hit F1 :)
Otherwise all looking good so far. I've finally got the unit display I -want-.
under your WoW install.
Zayme, In Groups make a new raid group by typing Main Tanks in the New group field and pressing enter. Select Raid in the Unit group dropdown. Scroll down to the bottom, select Main Tanks from the Filter type drop down. There you go.
If say you want Main tank targets. Just use Raid targets for the Unit group.
As so on...
Maybe I'm having a hard time finding it, but I can't seem to locate Main tank units.
I'm a healer for my guild and liked how in pitbull 3 i could setup main tanks to show a unit frame group with health & buffs/debuffs. But in pitbull 4 the only "units" are Focus, Focus's target, Focus's target's target, Player's pet, Player's pet's target, Player, Target, Target's target, Target's target's target.
I have no plans to do that.
LibDogTag provided a standalone window to test new tags and checked the syntax. Will there be such a thing for the Lua texts?
You'll then have to go to the unit under Units and select your new layout.
cheery2, thanks for the report. I've fixed the bug in the latest alpha push just now.
Having an issue with the names of frames not resetting back to normal after exiting a vehicle.
When I enter a vehicle the name and stats of the vehicle are coming up in the player frame correctly, and the player details go into the pet frame, but when I exit the vehicle the name on the player frame goes to a value of player pet.
This is fixed on a reload of the UI, and I am using dogtags with luatexts disabled. Has only been occuring for the last couple of patches.