PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
Good day!
First of all I'd like to thank the authors for all the hard work they put into this addon and also for planning to update it for MoP! Thank you! I really appreciate your and every other authors work on improving and updating your addons, regardless of whether you still play WoW or not. Sadly most people seem to take that as a given.
I've been playing the MoP-Beta with the "quick and dirty update" of Pitbull by daf2, which worked fine for me so far. However, it's not working with the current version of MoP anymore, so I was wondering if you guys have a more or less working version lying around, which you would share with us. Personally, I just can't play WoW without some key-addons, Pitbull being one of these.
Thanks again and keep it up! =)
Can somebody help me? I dont got any party frames :o
Doubt I'll do it. That's the type of thing I'd rather be an external module. But I wouldn't rule it out.
any plan to add pvp trinket module? it would really great for pvpers.
Okay. I apologize for not looking at those first. Thanks for replying.
There are several tickets open on this. I'll get to it eventually.
Has anyone looked or thought about this?
I've accidently deleted the health text, how do I get it back in the addon?
Yep you are right. I tried to test it too quickly on beta the other night, and asked a random player on beta to invite me and convert to raid, then do a ready check. I dont think he actually converted to a raid before doing the ready check. Sorry for the time waste :(
Think it's still accurate, with a ready check running:
You must have been promoted. I took at look in SUF, it's doing the same thing we are roughly. Ora 3 doesn't show the popup for me when I'm not promoted.
No Raid Boss Frames Yet ??
That info might be out of date. I just tried Shadowed Unit Frames, in a raid, without assist, and had the raid leader do a ready check. Green check marks, [X], etc show up correctly as each player selects ready or not ready.
This also works with the Ora 3 ready check. I can test other unit frame mods (when server comes up), but SUF / Ora 3 function correctly in reguards to ready check information being updated on the frames.
Not a bug. That information isn't available unless you are promoted.
Hey Shefki good to see you are still around keeping PB4 updated for MoP.
Any chance you can take a look at the code for ready checks? Currently in a raid, if a ready check is called, the green check mark / red x will not be shown on the raid frames unless you are promoted to raid lead / raid assist.
Seems like this should be a fairly quick / easy fix, and since you are hammering out some small bugs now, may be a good time if you have the time.
Or maybe i just have something set incorrectly and you can point me in the right direction.
Hi guys. Great addon.
Would it be possible for you guys to add an option to force totem bars to load, regardless of class?
I was able to get it to work by editing the code, through trial and error. It would help me a lot, and possibly others, to create an option like this, or have it enabled by default.
As a Balance Druid, it shows and allows me to manipulate my Wild Mushrooms. I don't have direct experience, but I heard Warrior banners function the same way. It's also possible that other abilities function in this way.
EDIT: Death Knight ghouls, non-unholy, also show up as totems. Seeing as you can't control them in any way, it has a use (right click to get rid of them). I bet other classes have similar effects.
Thanks for the update Shefki!
Priority now that my MoP beta download is almost done is enabling 5.0 functionality. All the other things are still on the randar, I just have to prioritize that.
Glad to hear that Pitbull4 will be compatible with 5.0, i'm using it since WOTLK and happy with it since then.
i was wondering, does supporting boss frames still on the TODO list ? or will those updates only make it compatible with 5.0 ?
Ok so I lied... Beta download is taking longer than I expected so I worked on config mode. Latest alpha should have it working. There many be a few small kinks here and there (If you find some open up a bug). But in general it should be working better than it did before 4.0.3. Switching between modes should be faster (any mode switch that has to create frames will be slower but there's nothing I can do about that, if you go straight to raid40 it'll take some time).
Ok I'll work it out