During the Heroic Professor Putricide fight in Icecrown Citadel, if you receive Unbound Plague, you will begin a 10 second countdown in /yell. The countdown looks like this:
Help me in 10 seconds!
Help me in 9 seconds!
Help me NOW!
Plagued is about 100 lines of code. It uses 8K of memory and zero CPU until you have actually pulled Putricide.
Example video:
The UI used in the video is available for download here.
AddonLoader recommended
Installing AddonLoader will cause this add-on to only load when you enter the appropriate raid zone or sub-zone.
Comments and bug reports
General comments and questions can be posted at the WowAce site. Bug reports and feature requests should be made using the ticket system.
Considered releasing a similar addon for Garalon? Seems like a natural fit.
I've never experienced these "anti-spam filters". My guild and many others have been using this for six months with no issues. The code is very small, you should be able to tweak it to do what you like pretty easily.
great addon. only one problem. due to the antispam filters in wow we cant see the yell bubbles at all. is there anyway to change it to only yell every 2 seconds instead of every one second.
I've rewritten Plagued, in an attempt to be very minimal. It now does a proper pull detection and won't consume any CPU time until it sees that you actually pulled Putricide. The whole add-on now fits into around 100 lines of code and 8K of memory. It still requires a few of the Ace3 libraries, but those are pretty small.
The entire guild needs to install it.
Maybe a silly question, but does the entire guild need to install it? Or can only 1 install it and it will work for the rest of the raid?
That's weird. Nobody else has reported anything like that (my entire guild uses it). Can you verify that you're using the latest version (r11b-release)? I accidentally let a branched version of Plagued out in the wild for a few weeks, which was not something you should be running, and it could cause issues.
This addon was great, but me and a few friends noticed that when doing encounters other than Professor Putricide, we would crash, getting a Critical Error #132. This problem had only occurred after using the Plagued Addon. Now that I removed it, to try to solve my problem, I have not crashed again.