
To configure Plutocracy, you have to use the command line right now.

/pc cfg <name> <value>

time [5, 60] - The time to wait for rolls.

boe [1,4] - BoE behavior. Values are:

1 - Open rolls.

2 - MS/OS priority, double counted (against MS/OS and BOE).

3 - MS/OS priority, single counted (against MS/OS only).

4 - Guild bank.

roll [1,3] - Roll behavior. Values are:

1 - All Together Now - All rolls occur at once. 201 300 MS, 101 200 OS, 1 100 Greed/BOE.

2 - MS/OS Together - MS/OS occur at once - 1 100 MS, 101 200 OS.

3 - One at a time! - MS, then OS, then BOE. 1 100 each time.

debug [boolean] - Debug mode. When true, all output should be local.


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