The "new hotness" feature for mounts has been completely rewritten to work better with how the game has operated the last several expansions. The problems were that 1) multiple new mounts are often acquired in a small window of time followed by periods of drought and 2) flying mounts are often acquired when the vast majority of time was being spent in ground mount only zones.
The result is that many new mounts never really get a chance to be highlighted by the system before getting bumped down into the full pool. The solution is to track multiple hot mounts. Now, when you acquire a new mount its given a heat value. When you summon a mount, we will first check that slider percentage to see if we should summon from the pool of hot mounts. If so, we'll select from amongst just those mounts with hotter mounts having a greater chance of being summoned. A mount summoned this way loses one from its heat value. When a mount hits zero its no longer hot and falls into the general pool of mounts.
This system should ensure that all new mounts you acquire will have their time in the sun with the most recently acquired mounts being summoned the most often.
The games Key Binding UI will contain a section for Pokedex. The only two commands you'll probably want or need to keybind are Toggle Mount and Summon Companion. SummonOtherMount is a useful bind for those times when you don't want the type of mount we selected (for example, we choose a swimming mount but you want a regular one). Pokedex configuration can be reached through the games addons menu or by typing /pd. The full list of commands can be found at http://www.wowace.com/addons/pokedex/pages/main/actions/.
Pokedex allows random summoning of mounts and companions using preference values set by user to influence selection. Pokedex will summon the appropriate mount, or invoke a class specific movement ability like Ghost Wolf or Burning Rush, based on what the current location and conditions support. Pokedex can also randomly set character's title using the same basic ranking system.
The chance of a particular item (mount, companion or title) being selected is equal to the rank you have assigned to it divided by the total of the ranks for all other eligible items. Put another way, each point of ranking is one ticket to the raffle drawing to see which mount is selected. If all items are still set to the default value, then they all have an equal chance of being selected. An item which you have assigned a value of 0 will never be selected.
Pokedex has support for all the normal ace3 profile stuff (change current, copy, etc), with a couple of twists so that you can have the benefits of sharing a profile and still be able to make character specific tweaks by overriding the rank value on that character. See http:www.wowace.com/addons/pokedex/pages/profiles/ for more info.
The New Hotness - The idea behind this feature is that your most recently acquired pet/mount/title is something you're probably excited about and what to see more often than the rest of your collection. Or maybe you want to flaunt it in front of the all the people who are still trying to get, for example, their Sinister Squashling. When dealing with large numbers of pets or mounts, even setting it to the max rank will not cause it to show up very often. So rather than make you downrank every other item, the hotness feature acts as a way to get that one pet or mount out more often. If there is a hot pet, we'll first do a percentile roll against the heat of hot item. If the heat is set to 50, then 50 percent of the time we would summon that hot pet. The other 50 percent of the time, we'll do the usual random selection out of the weighted pet pool.
Safe Dismount - This feature is disabled by default but can be turned on in Pokedex's options ui. This feature allows you to keep as a default behavior that of having the Auto Dismount in Flight option turned off, so that accidently trying to cast a spell in flight won't send you plummeting to your death, but allows you to choose override scenarios where you do want actions to dismount you automatically so that they can be executed. The scenarios you can opt into are 1) when you are in combat, 2) targeting something attackable or 3) attempting to gather a resource via mining, herbalism or skinning.
Random Titles - You can also rank titles the way you do pets and mounts and have Pokedex periodically change your title.
Auto summon pet - You can have Pokedex summon a non-combat pet, if you don't already have one out, every time you dismount or change zone.
Druid forms, Ghost Wolf and Burning Rush support - Pokedex supports using Druid forms, Shaman Ghost Wolf and Warlock Burning Rush in the appropriate situations as part of the Toggle Mount command.
autocast Water Walking when mounting - An option exists (off by default) for Shamans to cast Water Walking and Affliction Warlocks to cast a Soulburned Unending Breath as they summon a mount with the Toggle Mount command. This way the buff is already in place when they encounter water so they don't have to dismount, buff and then remount (all while wondering why Death Knights get to cast Path of Frost while mounted).
autocast Horn of Winter when mounting - For Death Knights, Pokedex can cast Horn of Winter whenever you mount. This is useful for keeping the buff up while questing or resource gathering (e.g. mining).
First thing to check for me is that with Very Fast Runners selected as mount type that the Rocket is listed in the drop down for "select mount for ranking" with all the other 150% speed ground mounts. You should also confirm that its rank is not set to 0 (mounts ranked 0 will never be summoned). You'd also have failure if it was the hot mount but the heat level was set to 0. However, both of those settings would also prevent the Rocket from being summoned as a flying mount and the way I read your post seems to indicate that not being a problem.
Once you've checked that those aren't the issue, type the following in chat: /pd debug mounts 3
That will turn on debug logging for mounts at the most verbose level. Now summon a ground mount and pokedex will spit out a bunch of info as it decides what mount to summon. You should hopefully be able to see in that what's going on with the Rocket and if it was skipped for consideration for some reason, what that reason is. To turn the logging back off, just type: /pd debug mounts 0
Checked in a new build that should fix this.
Much appreciated, I really love this addon.
This is perfect and exactly what I was looking for. I can't believe how much I missed flying around on all my other mounts at random. Many thanks, you are the greatest. Much love!
Even though the /pd command doesn't work with a conditional, just because of the way macros will often stop after starting the first spell cast you can sometimes write them in a way where you get some processing of conditionals. For example, I have one for my druid that is:
/cast [swimming,nostance:2] Aquatic Form; [combat,nostance:4] Travel Form; [flyable,nostance:5] Swift Flight Form
/pd ToggleMount
In that macro, the /pd ToggleMount is basically then used just for summoning ground mounts as Swift Flight Form gets called first and is used in all the places where I can fly.
New beta - lots of work to remove dependence on string matching for identifying mounts. Should now correctly identify speed of mounts from data in an internal table, only falling back on string matching should we not have an entry for that mount.
This is coming out a bit early to beta because I need to add some code for handling the new Celestial Steed with the whole "maybe its a 310 mount, maybe its just a 280" business. So I want to get these changes exposed a bit to testing before I roll out the release to support the new mount (which from what I've seen in Dalaran appears to be *very* popular).
This is coming out a bit early to beta because I need to add some code for handling the new Celestial Steed with the whole "maybe its a 310 mount, maybe its just a 280" business. So I want to get these changes exposed a bit to testing before I roll out the release to support the new mount (which from what I've seen in Dalaran appears to be *very* popular).
What are the specifics of the situation you're seeing? Which fast mounts are getting treated as being slower than they should be and/or which slow mounts are being treated as faster? Also, are you playing in a language other than US English? If so then it could be a string matching error.
Hopefully we can get this figured out for you quickly.
So the problem is that we generally detect mount speeds by examining the tooltip for the mount. And since we're trying to match against English phrases we aren't finding what we're looking for and are unable to properly catergorize your mounts.
The use of these strings in decision making code was obviously a bad idea. It did allow some parts to be written quickly and simply but it creates a chicken and egg problem: if the addon doesn't work correctly in another language how do you get people interested enough in it to want to help localize?
I looked through my string table to find other strings which are used for making decisions inside the addon (as opposed to those which are used for communicating to the user). For the addon to work correctly in an non english locale, all of those types of strings would have to be translated. I've marked them with a comment of REQUIRED, so the filtered list of just those for the french locale is http://www.wowace.com/addons/pokedex/localization/frFR/?search=required.
I'm still ramping up on how to support locales but I decided to use French as a test case. Using wowhead I was able to get translations which I think will be good for almost all of those strings. The only one I couldn't find something for was "Skinnable". If you install the latest beta, v3.3.05 then I have high hopes that the addon will work much better for you.
Going forward, though, what I'm going to try to do as much as I can to rewrite all those sections that are currently working off those strings. I'll probably have to create a big table with all the mounts in it so I can look them up by spellID and see what they're speed is. I'll still have the tooltip parsing in there as fallback for new mounts I haven't added in yet, but at least things will be correct for the majority of mounts. There are also some libs people have written that should help provide me with some things like zone names.
So, keep an eye on this space. The most recent BETA build and the Release that will follow it should hopefully work better for french and users of all non-english languages can use the web tool to start adding translations. The next release after that will hopefully make the core more language agnostic and have hopefully have no or reduced functional dependencies on localization.