Prat 3.0
In loving memory of Jon Akthar (Sylvanaar)
Hello WoW community, I'm LuciferCatnip, Sylvanaar was my coworker and my mentor. It goes without saying that Jon was an amazingly talented individual. He always seemed to know everything... but he once said to me "It's not about knowing the answers, it's about asking the right questions", he always challenged me to ask me the right questions until I would arrive at the answer on my own terms. Jon was also a champion of the open source movement, and so with special thanks to Gil from Curseforge as well as Sylvanaar's family, there's no better way to honor Sylvanaar's legacy than to keep his project going strong in the community.
If you'd like to help maintain Prat, please reach out to MysticalOS or LuciferCatnip directly. Thank you so much.
Prat-3.0 is a chat enhancement addon for World of Warcraft.
It is made up of 30+ smaller "modules" which each provide additional functionality, and can be enabled or disabled individually.
In game, type /prat for a menu. Or use the icon on one of the many data broker hosts.
Prat has just about every feature you can think of, and then some. Really. When I get some more time, I'll try and put together a full list (Even I have lost count)
(Thanks to Dreamsight for this partial list)
- Sync your chat settings across your account (Beta)
- AI powered spam filter (Beta)
- Change arrows, buttons, mouse scroll for chat scroll, scroll speed
- you can add player color per channel, color per level, color per class
- timestamps (styled)
- whether to show timestamp (what format the timestamp should be in)
- whether to show players level
- you can select the option for channel "stickys" (last channel you used you auto use when hitting enter, that sort of thing – or last thing someone said)
- change the looks of the chat's editbox - as well as where it appears (you can even undock it and move it to where you'd like it to be)
- chat fading, fading delay
- You can change the font to a list of fonts, add an outline to it, monochrome it (if you don’t mind messing with files a bit you could probably even add other fonts to that list)
- change the chat frame/chat box appearance
- Keep chat history between game sessions
- Set channel abbreviations
- set brackets and color(or something instead of brackets)round player/lvl
- alt invite option (press keyboard “alt” button and click on the player’s name to auto inv them)
- raid icon
- invite links - click them to invite the person
- URL copying
- Full chat copying + copy button
- Click timestamp to copy line
- Configurable alerts when your name or other word is mentioned
- enables tell target /tt which whispers your target
- Alias options - make macros into short commands
- See names of players Alt characters
- change chat sounds (incoming and outgoing as well as per channel)
- Achievements info and grats
- Full chat search and search box
- Customizable filters for advanced users
- Show item icon next to item links and player class icon next to player names
- Icon-only options for newcomers chat
- Optional flashing or font color change for chat tabs when a new message comes in.
You can enable/disable all Prat modules - don't have to have the ones you don't use running
While trying to reduce resource utilization, it is also important to note that some people prefer the features, and don't care that an addon uses 500k more.
In reply to Galvin:
In reply to Forge_User_18205125:
Error grabbed from BugSack
AddOn version: r1151-alpha
Game version: 8.0.1 (27101) (Release x64)
3x Prat-3.0-r1151 \modules\Editbox.lua:822: attempt to concatenate local 'chan' (a nil value)
Prat-3.0-r1151 \modules\Editbox.lua:822: in function <Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:811>
(tail call): ?
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3981: in function `ChatEdit_ResetChatType'
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3962: in function `ChatEdit_OnShow'
[string "*:OnShow"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnShow"]:1>
[C]: in function `Show'
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4020: in function `ChatEdit_ActivateChat'
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3651: in function `ChatFrame_OpenChat'
[string "OPENCHAT"]:1: in function <[string "OPENCHAT"]:1>
self = <table> {
ChatEdit_SetLastActiveWindow = <function> defined @Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:776
SetDefaultModuleLibraries = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:398
Enable = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:325
NewModule = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:266
FCF_Tab_OnClick = <function> defined @Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:750
EnableModule = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:363
modules = <table> {
GetModule = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:241
IterateEmbeds = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:473
SecureHookScript = <function> defined @ArkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceHook\AceHook-3.0.lua:410
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
RawHookScript = <function> defined @ArkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceHook\AceHook-3.0.lua:395
LibSharedMedia_Registered = <function> defined @Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:601
GetName = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:310
SetAttach = <function> defined @Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:864
name = "Prat_Editbox"
IsEnabled = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:482
orderedModules = <table> {
DisableModule = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:381
baseName = "Prat-3.0"
GetDescription = <function> defined @Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:770
HookScript = <function> defined @ArkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceHook\AceHook-3.0.lua:366
frames = <table> {
SecureHook = <function> defined @ArkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceHook\AceHook-3.0.lua:336
IsHooked = <function> defined @ArkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceHook\AceHook-3.0.lua:493
SetBorderByChannel = <function> defined @Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:811
SetBackdrop = <function> defined @Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:792
IsModule = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:248
db = <table> {
SetDefaultModuleState = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:418
ChatEdit_DeactivateChat = <function> defined @Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:785
OnModuleDisable = <function> defined @Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:757
SetEnabledState = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:455
Hook = <function> defined @ArkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceHook\AceHook-3.0.lua:274
enabledState = true
OnModuleEnable = <function> defined @Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:702
Prat_FramesUpdated = <function> defined @Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:674
PL = <table> {
hooks = <table> {
SetDefaultModulePrototype = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:440
UpdateHeight = <function> defined @Prat-3.0\modules\Editbox.lua:923
IterateModules = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:468
UnhookAll = <function> defined @ArkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceHook\AceHook-3.0.lua:477
RawHook = <function> defined @ArkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceHook\AceHook-3.0.lua:313
Unhook = <function> defined @ArkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceHook\AceHook-3.0.lua:418
moduleName = "Editbox"
defaultModuleState = true
Disable = <function> defined @AngryAssignments\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:345
(for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
1 = <unnamed> {
Could we please get an option to remove the chat channels icon? EDIT: Also the deafen voice and mute icons when in a party, please.
In reply to MrH666:
Any plans to remove the "chat channels" icon please?
Lua error on BFA 8.0.1
Message: ...Ons\Prat-3.0_Libraries\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:33: Attempt to register unknown event "ENCOUNTER_STOP"
Time: Wed Jul 18 21:21:11 2018
Count: 1
Stack: ...Ons\Prat-3.0_Libraries\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:33: Attempt to register unknown event "ENCOUNTER_STOP"
[C]: in function `RegisterEvent'
...Ons\Prat-3.0_Libraries\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:33: in function `OnUsed'
...lus\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:170: in function `RegisterEvent'
Interface\AddOns\DynamicCam\Core.lua:1069: in function `?'
...ce\AddOns\Details\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:55: in function <...ce\AddOns\Details\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>
Locals: (*temporary) = AceEvent30Frame {
0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = "ENCOUNTER_STOP"
Seems broken since the latest patch. Unable to size prat / chat window. Sadly, had to disable.
I need help some how I have gotten rid of the " : " that come after the players name like so.
[2. Trade] [Player2]: omg Player1 did that just drop for you?
This is what i'm getting
[2. Trade] [Player2]omg Player1 did that just drop for you?
In reply to Doomcrow:
Could we get word on if there will be an update? Or some suggestions as to other mods that are either being used or being updated/developed that are similar? Thanks.
Is this going to be updated for 8.0?
Is there any way to get rid of that annoying grats messages? Many guild mates use this shit addon and are spamming the chat ...
In reply to Xarfai13:
Sorry, but the default messages for the "grats" feature are awful. They are patronizing and cheapen the actual effect of congratulating someone on a real achievement. Randomizing and resulting in "I worked on that for ages <name> grats!" when they complete "Exploring Elwynn Forest" is pretty indicative of the cheapness of the congratulatory response.
It's all great to let people add custom messages, if they so choose, but the defaults shouldn't expose the feature for what it is: a really lazy person's cheap and meaningless toast. Why can't the default just be "Congratulations!"
I love Prat. But I hate these default messages, and I sincerely hope you realize what a disservice it does to have them when they are so shallow.
In reply to Thoralie:
In reply to Forge_User_23626507:
Is there a way for custom filters to search for an exact string rather than a partial match?
For instance, if I want it to search for "abc", I do not want it to react to "abcdef".
Is there anyway to click on a user name to send them a tell without having to locate them in a raid window target them then send tell?
Where is the option to increase font for whispers/tells/send/replies tab?