Prat 3.0
In loving memory of Jon Akthar (Sylvanaar)
Hello WoW community, I'm LuciferCatnip, Sylvanaar was my coworker and my mentor. It goes without saying that Jon was an amazingly talented individual. He always seemed to know everything... but he once said to me "It's not about knowing the answers, it's about asking the right questions", he always challenged me to ask me the right questions until I would arrive at the answer on my own terms. Jon was also a champion of the open source movement, and so with special thanks to Gil from Curseforge as well as Sylvanaar's family, there's no better way to honor Sylvanaar's legacy than to keep his project going strong in the community.
If you'd like to help maintain Prat, please reach out to MysticalOS or LuciferCatnip directly. Thank you so much.
Prat-3.0 is a chat enhancement addon for World of Warcraft.
It is made up of 30+ smaller "modules" which each provide additional functionality, and can be enabled or disabled individually.
In game, type /prat for a menu. Or use the icon on one of the many data broker hosts.
Prat has just about every feature you can think of, and then some. Really. When I get some more time, I'll try and put together a full list (Even I have lost count)
(Thanks to Dreamsight for this partial list)
- Sync your chat settings across your account (Beta)
- AI powered spam filter (Beta)
- Change arrows, buttons, mouse scroll for chat scroll, scroll speed
- you can add player color per channel, color per level, color per class
- timestamps (styled)
- whether to show timestamp (what format the timestamp should be in)
- whether to show players level
- you can select the option for channel "stickys" (last channel you used you auto use when hitting enter, that sort of thing – or last thing someone said)
- change the looks of the chat's editbox - as well as where it appears (you can even undock it and move it to where you'd like it to be)
- chat fading, fading delay
- You can change the font to a list of fonts, add an outline to it, monochrome it (if you don’t mind messing with files a bit you could probably even add other fonts to that list)
- change the chat frame/chat box appearance
- Keep chat history between game sessions
- Set channel abbreviations
- set brackets and color(or something instead of brackets)round player/lvl
- alt invite option (press keyboard “alt” button and click on the player’s name to auto inv them)
- raid icon
- invite links - click them to invite the person
- URL copying
- Full chat copying + copy button
- Click timestamp to copy line
- Configurable alerts when your name or other word is mentioned
- enables tell target /tt which whispers your target
- Alias options - make macros into short commands
- See names of players Alt characters
- change chat sounds (incoming and outgoing as well as per channel)
- Achievements info and grats
- Full chat search and search box
- Customizable filters for advanced users
- Show item icon next to item links and player class icon next to player names
- Icon-only options for newcomers chat
- Optional flashing or font color change for chat tabs when a new message comes in.
You can enable/disable all Prat modules - don't have to have the ones you don't use running
While trying to reduce resource utilization, it is also important to note that some people prefer the features, and don't care that an addon uses 500k more.
In reply to Sunni011: That would be a bug. The simplest fix would be to turn off channel name replacing on the trade channel by unticking the "Replace" checkbox. I've tried messing with the whisper channel name substitutions, but was unable to replicate the buggy behaviour.
In reply to plusmouse: Gotcha. Yeah, this is what I have been doing for the time being but was curious if others were experiencing it. So are you seeing the same thing with trade chat when you replace past just [2]?
In reply to Sunni011: Tried doing the [2.Trade] replacement, I could still post links.
In reply to plusmouse: Idk if you misunderstood me, but that is what I originally said I was trying to use as a replacement and it would not work. Ill attached a SS just for reference:
You can see in this SS I can type with [2] and [2.Trade] without links. Then when I just use [2] with a link, it will work. Then when I use [2.Trade] and try to link something (I know you cannot see it but I typed it and it just didn't show up), it will not show the message. Now I am 99% sure these messages with links that I cannot see are still being posted to the channel as I had someone reply to it once, but I just can't see what I typed on my end, which is very frustrating. So, TLDR, just [2] will work with anything, [2.Trade] will show me my message when they're just plain text, but will not with links, but they're still being sent I'm almost positive, that's what my issue is. I know I can turn the replacement off, or change it back to just [2], but yea I was curious if it was a common bug and other ppl were experiencing it/it was repeatable for ppl other than me.
Could you encorporate this addon into Prat as a module? It is very useful and chat related. Not maintained anymore, but still works fine
In reply to GregoryWW: Can't just copy the code from that addon as its "All Right Reserved", so it would need to be rewritten to include it in Prat.
how to remove the voice tab its keep showing?
In reply to oxed: You might have to be a little more specific to get an answer. Do you mean a tab in your chatbox? I don't think that's a Prat issue. That sounds like something you made and it might be related to the "text to speech" section of settings under Accessibility. However, without more info or a link to a screenshot, I don't know if anyone can help you any more than the tiniest bit that I have here.
In reply to oxed: This may be related to a bug that I fixed today. Can you try the latest alpha, close the Voice tab and then report if it stays closed?
Hi, since phase3 in Wrath Classic, Prat has been blocking the in game guild announcement of achievements.
I have attempted to disable the "extra features" which alters chat when achievement is mentioned, it did not fix it.
Am I the only one with this issue? I like achievement hunting, and I have guildies who does as well, and I want to congratulating them when they get something big, but the addon blocks it.
I like some of the features in the addon, but not enough to have it with this flaw present.
In reply to the_zorb: I can't replicate this issue on my computer. Do you know what settings/modules you've enabled/disabled?
Hi! Thanks for this amazing addon, insane how much functionality it has.
I also have a request for the filtering function.
In Costumfilters there is no option to search in:
"CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE" or "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL" therefore it was not possible to filter out the Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy spam or the common monster dying spam: '%s attempts to run away in fear!'.
For that i've had to setup a weakaura with chatblacklist. Would be awesome if prat could expand the channels to search in as it can search for patterns rather that having to put in the exact message you wanna block in a chatblacklist.
Also 1+ to the guy requesting loot message filter. Would be sick if one could filter the messages of group members looting gray/white loot.
In reply to muskmulel: I've added the MONSTER_EMOTE and BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL channels to the filters in the latest alpha 3.9.32-4-g6ad213c. Can you try it out an let me know how it goes?
In reply to plusmouse: I could indeed now filter monster emotes. But it seems to have broken the names. I now see %s instead of the monsters name in that channel. So
"Razormane Frenzy goes into a frenzy!" now becomes "%s goes into a frenzy!". Same with player names, "%s just won a game of Hearthstone!".
In "BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL" it assume it successfully filtered out the Nasz'uro message. Did not see any after filtering it.
Could not think of any other message to test in that channel to see how it behaves.
Hello! I have a question/request: I'd like to filter item loot by quality, on a per-tab basis. For example, ChatFrame1 shows only epic loot, while ChatFrame5 shows all item loot. Whatcha think?
P.S. I've been using the older addon LootMessageFilter, which functions just fine but doesn't know anything about chat tabs. Hope that helps.
In reply to Bananafana: You can do that by filtering based on the loot quality colours. For example for Trash loot set the filter to 9d9d9d and the Item Loot channel
In reply to plusmouse: holy cow great, how do i get the other color ids?
In reply to plusmouse: I'm not quite getting this to work, could you elaborate for a dimwit?
Can you make chat filter words case insensitive? It's really weird having 3 different filters for GDKP, gdkp and Gdkp.
Sadly prat broke somewhere. Party is no longer shortening to P and links aren't working