Priority Queue is a very simple idea. Based on your class you choose a list of abilities and place them in order (usually highest dps ability first). Priority Queue will then display the icon for that ability in a small frame when its available.
This way you can select a list of abilities to use and see the icon for the next skill in sequence. Where this works particularly well is for procs. eg: an Enhancement Shaman will have Lightning Bolt as top priority but only when he gets 5 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon buffs and thus its instant cast. Similarly a mage will want to use Pyroblast as top priority but only when he gets a hot streak.
Having had the ShockAndAwe addon available for over 6 months now I regularly get pleas from other classes/specs to do something similar for them. Priority Queue is that something.
Now of course as I don't have lvl 80s of all the different classes and specs I will rely on you the user community to provide the things that should be in the priority list for your class. I can code it and you can select it as a priority, in whatever order you like.
Initial Versions
In order to get the correct skills to work I need to do two things.
1) I need to know what skills your class/spec uses 1a) I need to know what conditions those abilities are used under - eg: only use when buff X on target or when Y procs - sometimes really simple - only use when available
2) I need to know what priority to use the skills in this is usually highest dps/threat first.
So when you install this early beta please be aware that your personal class/spec might not be enabled if this is the case please rather than moan, post the list of skills you use and I can add them to the list. You can then try to work out the priority order and let me know what works for you.
This project could be great for lots of classes but it needs input and support from the community for it to work.
Date: 2009-04-04 12:40:48
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: AceLocale-3.0: PriorityQueue: Missing entry for 'Mind Blast'
PriorityQueue\Priest.lua:53: in main chunk
Affliction will also change a bit; mostly, whatever priority you've been given for that would be fine, except take Immolate and Siphon Life out of it.
As a DPS Warrior, I would also love this addon, especially Arms specced.
For Arms specced warriors, following skills should be included:
- Overpower
- Execute
- Mortal Strike
- Slam
- Heroic Strike
- Rend
- Bladestorm
Conditions, on which these are prioritized:
- Taste for Blood procs and their internal cooldown
- Sudden Death procs
- actual rage
- maybe remaining swing timer
- maybe wrecking crew uptime (for example you can't refresh rend when wrecking crew isn't up and the previous rend was done with it up)
- Mob Hp (can I use Execute without Sudden Death?)
For Fury speeced warriors, the prioritylist typically contains following skills:
- Whirlwind
- Bloodthirst
- Slam
- Heroic Strike
- Execute
- Rage
- Bloodsurge procs for instant Slams
- Mob Hp (Can I use Execute?)
Maybe this list is not complete, but I think, these are the most importants things.
If no scorch: scorch x2.
If Scorch duration <-10 sec: Scorch.
If Scorch duration ->10: Living bomb.
If Scorch duration ->10 sec & living bomb ->2 sec:Fireball.
If Hot Streak proc: Pyroblast.
If Bloodlust:[internal message]Use combustion
Basic shadow priest priority is
-keep shadow word: pain up (done for you with mind flay but if for some reason its not on the mob re-apply)
-Keep vampiric touch up (cast it 1.5 (or faster with haste) sec before it is about to expire )
-Mind Blast every time its up
-Keep Devouring Plauge up
-Mind flay
Its one of the things I need to fix. Meantime use /pq config and select your preset.
Would love to be able this mod for prot warriors and would suggest this priority cycle;
It also isn't working for me, not sure if small typo in the last revision.
Message: ...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua line 1660:
AceConfigRegistry-3.0:ValidateOptionsTable(): PriorityQueue.args.frame.args.presets.values: expected a methodname, funcref or table, got 'nil'
...\AceConfig-3.0\AceConfigCmd-3.0\AceConfigCmd-3.0.lua:688: AceConfigRegistry-3.0:ValidateOptionsTable(): PriorityQueue.args.frame.args.presets.values: expected a methodname, funcref or table, got 'nil'
i updated libace2 and ace3
If Flame Shock dot not present, cast Flame Shock
If Flame Shock dot present, duration sub 2 sec, and Lava Burst CD is sub 2 sec, cast Flame Shock
If Lava Burst CD up, cast Lava Burst
Cast Lightning Bolt
would also like to see Chain Lightning without the MS proc as a choice
To make sure, I logged in and only saw enh shaman priority options.
btw, thanks for the hard DPS thanks you.
As An elemental shaman i use a proirity rotation
would also like to see Chain Lightning without the MS proc as a choice
If there is no serpent sting on the target, serpent sting
Aimed (if they have it)
(Sometimes people add multishot)