ProfessionsBook keeps track of all known trade items your characters can craft/enchant. You can easily select each character and browse the known recipes and view the needed reagents to craft that item.
Additionally recipes in the auction house are color coded:
- red = no character may learn that recipe
- green = at least one of your characters may learn the recipe
- blue = one character has learned the recipe already
- yellow = a character has the tradeskill but not the appropriate skill level
The tooltip for recipes is enhanced by two lines displaying the characters who already know the recipe and characters who may learn it.
If you have ProfessionsFu or TitanProfessions installed (recommended) you can easily open ProfessionsBook via ProessionsFu's or TitanProfessions' menu.
- Scan all professions of a character and store them
- Browse stored professions of all characters
- View required reagents for a selected trade skill
- Post required reagents to a channel.
- Color code recipes in the auction house
- Display characters knowing or be able to learn a certain recipe in the tooltip
Before using ProfessionsBook all professions windows (e.g. Enchanting, Smithing...) must be opened to enable the scan of all known recipes.
Open ProfessionsBook:
- Slash command: /pb show or /professionsbook show
- Open via ProfessionsFu
- Open via key binding
Select the character whose trade skill you want to view. Select a tradeskill below and browse the known recipes to the left. Additional filters can be applied.
The button "send" posts the required reagents of the currently selected trade item to the channel selected in the drop down box next to the button. If you want to whisper the reagents to an other player you will be prompted to enter his/her name. Support for numbered channels (e.g. "Trade"...) will be added in a later release.
Open the options dialog to change visibility and position of the minimap button. That button is invisible by default. The features to enhance the tooltips and color coding of recipes in the auction house may also be enabled/disabled in this dialog.
The option dialog lets you delete the ProfessionsBook data from your characters of the current server and faction (e.g. "ServerXY - Alliance"). This comes in handy if a character of yours has dropped a profession and learned an other one. After using that option you need to scan all professions of your characters on that server and faction.
The search function accepts strings and substrings which are case insensitive. Searching for 'nether' will display all recipes containing 'nether' in their titles (e.g. 'Heavy Netherweave Bandage').
- Copy the 'ProfessionsBook' directory to your "WoW/Interface/AddOns" folder.
- If you are upgrading from a version previous to 2.0.0 or 2.0.0 Beta you need to delete the folder "ProfessionsBook" in "WoW/Interface/AddOns" and "Professions.lua" in your "WTF/Account/<AccountName>/SavedVariables/"-folder.
Known bugs and limitations
- It may happen that when opening a trade skill window, not all recipes are scanned. If such a case occurs, please reopen the trade skill window again to performe an automatic rescan of the recipes.
- Only characters of the same realm and faction are selectable. In a future release I will add support for selecting characters from the opposite faction.
- Books to increase your maximum level of a tradeskill (e.g. Cooking 225) are not color coded in auction house. These books are not part of the recipe book itself and are not scanned.
- Color coding and enhanced tooltips do not work in the french version correctly.
- When using color coding in combination with Auctioneer Advanced the colors do not reflect the new order of items when the default sorting is changed.
- Due to a bug in AuctionFilterPlus the color coding does not refelct the true order in the auction house. The tooltips are correct, however.
- You may experience a lag (from several seconds up to a minute) after the cache of WoW has been cleared (e.g. after a new WoW-Patch, etc.). This will happen only a few times when opening a trade skill window. As soon as the cache of WoW is filled with the recipes, there will be no more lags until the cache has been cleared again.
- Blackdove (author of Book of Crafts, for kindly supporting the contents of PB_Exceptions.lua.
- Korean translation: Eerien, Aresda of Garona
@Lombra: This is a solution I am currently working on. I hope to release a fixed version soon.
About this freezing-after-patch issue, couldn't you somehow make it not scan your profession if your item cache is cleaned?
I know for fact that if you, right after a patch, disable PB, then open your profession and let it "fill your item cache", close it and reenable PB it wont freeze.
@Kolakhan: That is a good idea. PB will work just fine with this method.
Here is how I do it. I have three accounts, same server. I take the professionsbook.lua file with all its data from account #1 and move it to the saved variables folder in account #2 and get all the professions and recipes from those toons saved into that file. I then take that file and move it to account #3 and repeat the process. I now have all three accounts in that one file. I then copy that file back on to accounts #1 and #2 so that each account has the recipes and toons from all three accounts. I have pretty stable level 70's so I am not changing recipes much at all and it is pretty handy to be able to see what all your other toons have while on a different account.
late reply, but yes i am using the english version.
This is not possible. There is no way for programmers to specify the location of saved data. WoW offers three possible ways to store data: character, realm and account. All data is stored in the appropriate WoW foldes in your SavedVariables, they can not be changed..
Do you think there is a possibility of being able to see across different accounts?
For example:
Account 1 - Toon 1 - Leatherworking
Account 2 - Toon 3 - Enchanting
Account 3 - Toon 2 - Able to see what (Account 1 - Toon 1 - LW) has, and (Account 2 - Toon 3 - Ench) has.
I guess it would only work if the data was saved at:
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons
There is a button "Delete database" in the options dialog. This deletes all your toons, so you need to rescan the recipes with the remaing toons again. An option to delete a specific character is not implemented.
I have really enjoyed this add-on -- having a small problem in that when I delete a character, Professions book keeps the character and their professions --- does anyone know how to get rid of the "ghost" characters?
@Veyska: After looking at the memory usage when opening AH with PB enabled, I did not see any sigificant increase of memory usage. This was confirmed by other users I am in contact with, too. The memory usaged increased up to 10 MB on my system with and without PB.
@sir-markus: This recipe was reported by an other user. Are you using the English client? PB seems to have problems with that specific recipe, I will see what I can do.
@Veyska: That was not reported so far. I will investigate the issue.
What on earth is PB doing when I'm browsing the AH? I've had it up to 20mb of add-on usage after scanning a page or two. Happens regardless of whether I'm browsing on my AH mule (Auc Classic enabled) or one of my alts. Only other AH specific mod I've got installed is PricePer for per-item pricing on stacks... (Skimmed back a few pages in comments, apologies if I missed something relating to this.)
i have a small problem with 1 cooking skill. Mithil Head trout.
my main knows this recipe, but Pb doesnt show it in its list.
it is the only recipe with this problem (that i found)
Thanks, you are right. Instead of tradeItemID the argument recipeID should be used. The next update of PB will include that fix.
Ran into another issue. ^_^
The difficulty colors are not updating for me. I took a look at the code and in function UpdateTradeItemType in PB_DB.lua you reference a variable tradeItemID but it is not an argument nor being calculated.
This is with version 2.0.16
My pleasure, glad I was able to be of some help. I must thank you for your rapid response in replying and fixing the issue, I'm sure many others appreciate it as well ;-)
Cylon, thank you for your database. I was able to track down the problem and fixed it in the new version 2.0.16.
Hi thanks for the quick response. File has been sent. As I said in the email I used the PB option Delete database after updating and it was working fine then I lost the minimap icon and the game completely froze after typing /pb show. I have now deleted the lua files manually and it seems to be working fine again for now, but I suspect it may happen again, I know more after I reapply all my chars proffs to it.
Thank again for the great mod it makes WoW that much greater and less time consuming, without having to log off and ofn to inform guildies and other players of what you csn make and on whom. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by myself and I sure by many others.
@Cylon: Please send me your ProfessionsBook database. This is the file ProfessionsBook.lua in your WTF\Account\SavedVariables folder. Currently I have no idea what causes the freezes. The file could help me to track down the problem. After sending the fileto me you should delete it and perform a new scan of your professions. My email is
Typing /pb show now causes the game screen to freeze and the computer to lock up. this only started occurring after the latest version. Any chance you can find why?