This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
An add-on for collecting and displaying the values of items in their tooltip.
- Fixed disabling of modules.
- Updated and added some new items.
- Fixed a bug when syncing and not in a guild.
I'm stopping development of this mod as of now. Tuller have created SellFish which does the same thing as ColaLight, but using _a lot_ less memory. It contains 30k items, so the need for synchronization is pretty limited. So go get that one instead.
And don't give me that crap about SellFish not being Ace! Tuller is a very good developer and his mods are small and very well done.
have both installed.
Any chance of a ColaLight -> SellFish database conversion so I can import all my data.
Edit: nevermind, I see SellFish has a function on board that can read the colalight table and does so
on startup.
Load the game once. leave the game properly and it should be saved in SellFish.
You can then delete ColaLight
I've just uploaded a new version.
- Fixed disabling of modules.
- Updated and added some new items.
- Fixed a bug when syncing and not in a guild.
I'm stopping development of this mod as of now. Tuller have created SellFish which does the same thing as ColaLight, but using _a lot_ less memory. It contains 30k items, so the need for synchronization is pretty limited. So go get that one instead.
And don't give me that crap about SellFish not being Ace! Tuller is a very good developer and his mods are small and very well done.