Makes grid QuickHealth aware: in short -- this means that health bars in Grid would change their values more often if your ping is good.
See for more details.
Makes grid QuickHealth aware: in short -- this means that health bars in Grid would change their values more often if your ping is good.
See for more details.
Is it compatible or usable still with the current version of Grid for Legion or its obsolete?
You need the Grid addon.
It's saying Dependency missing. Am doing something wrong? so I need to download an additional addon?
Got the following bug as I talked to a quest NPC:
Message: ...ealth\libs\LibQuickHealth-2.0\LibQuickHealth-2.0.lua:396: table index is nil
Time: 10/29/12 11:58:07
Count: 2
Stack: [C]: ?
...ealth\libs\LibQuickHealth-2.0\LibQuickHealth-2.0.lua:396: in function <...ealth\libs\LibQuickHealth-2.0\LibQuickHealth-2.0.lua:381>
...ealth\libs\LibQuickHealth-2.0\LibQuickHealth-2.0.lua:627: in function `?'
...ealth\libs\LibQuickHealth-2.0\LibQuickHealth-2.0.lua:185: in function <...ealth\libs\LibQuickHealth-2.0\LibQuickHealth-2.0.lua:185>
Nice addon, although I haven't noticed if it works yet but I assume it does :P
Edit: As in if I would actually notice it
On line 658 of LibQuickHealth-2.0.lua overwrite this:
function eventHandlers.COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(timestamp, event, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlags, ...)
thanks for 4.2 hotfix!
HotFix 4.1
On line 658 of LibQuickHealth-2.0.lua,
change function
eventHandlers.COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(timestamp, event, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, ...)
function eventHandlers.COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(timestamp, event, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, destGUID,
If you want to take this project over, please read:
Until someone takes it over, the repo is closed.
latest alpha should be working
Correction 4.01 -> Grid_QuickHealth.lua
local QuickHealth = LibStub(“LibQuickHealth-2.0”)
— env changement code taken from interruptus
local proxyEnv = setmetatable( { UnitHealth = QuickHealth.UnitHealth, }, { __index = _G, __newindex = function (t, k, v) _G[k] = v end, }
local GetNumRaidMembers = GetNumRaidMembers
local GridStatusHealth = Grid:GetModule(“GridStatus”):GetModule(“GridStatusHealth”)
local GridStatusHeals = Grid:GetModule(“GridStatus”):GetModule(“GridStatusHeals”)
local function UnitHealthUpdated(event, unitID, newHealth, healthMax) if GetNumRaidMembers()>0 and unitID:sub(1,4) ~= “raid” then return end GridStatusHealth:UpdateUnit(event, unitID, true) GridStatusHeals:UpdateUnit(event, unitID)
local eventFrame = CreateFrame(“Frame”)
setfenv(GridStatusHealth.UpdateUnit, proxyEnv) GridStatusHealth:UnregisterEvent(“UNIT_HEALTH”) GridStatusHealth:UnregisterEvent(“UNIT_MAXHEALTH”) —setfenv(GridStatusHeals.UpdateIncomingHeals, proxyEnv) —GridStatusHeals:UnregisterEvent(“UNIT_HEALTH”) eventFrame:SetScript(“OnEvent”, nil) eventFrame:UnregisterAllEvents() PLAYER_LOGIN = nil endlocal PLAYER_LOGIN
function PLAYER_LOGIN() QuickHealth.RegisterCallback(“Grid_QuickHealth”, “UnitHealthUpdated”, UnitHealthUpdated)
eventFrame:SetScript(“OnEvent”, PLAYER_LOGIN)
You can use the June 12, 2010 update (r36). Link found to the right where this is resolved:
However, if you're using the older version or from Curse Gaming.
For Mac Users using TextEdit.
It's line 19, 31, and 32.
making this not lagging for 3.3
1. Backup (make a copy) of Grid_QuickHealth.lua stored in ...World of Warcraft/AddOns/Grid_Quickhealth/
2. Open the original Grid_QuickHealth.lua in Notepad or Textedit.
3. Convert lines 18, 30 and 31 to comments by adding "-- " at the start of the line (excluding quotes) so that you should end up with the following:
* Line 18: -- GridStatusHeals:UpdateHealsForUnit(unitID)
* Line 30: -- setfenv(GridStatusHeals.UpdateIncomingHeals proxyEnv)
* Line 31: -- GridStatusHeals:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH")
4. Save and close the .lua file.