This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
It used to be a really sweet way to keep track of if you had enough materials to craft that thing you wanted to make. As you collected materials, it would put up a color coded quest goal type message. It really helped with the motivation to keep farming Clefthoof Bulls. It also had auto-crafting portions that I never really used. I used [url=]Skillet[/url] for that, but it's abandonware too.
I'd be willing to give up all the auto crafting portions if I could get back the materials tracking.
It used to be a really sweet way to keep track of if you had enough materials to craft that thing you wanted to make. As you collected materials, it would put up a color coded quest goal type message. It really helped with the motivation to keep farming Clefthoof Bulls. It also had auto-crafting portions that I never really used. I used [url=]Skillet[/url] for that, but it's abandonware too.
I'd be willing to give up all the auto crafting portions if I could get back the materials tracking.