This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Is this addon still being updated? I'm really missing some of the functionality, and the 9/29/08 release seems to be pretty buggy when I try to run it these days...
Desperately needs more configuration. Seemed to plop three buttons randomly on the left side of the screen, where I couldn't move them. No tooltips, and with Blizzard's lack of icons, I have no idea what the buttons do.
You need to give more information as to what this mod does. Not just the one stop warlock shop. Makes me want to get something do drink ... Wait.... <gulp, gulp, gulp> Burrrrp, thats better. But put more info. and some screen shots of the mod.
Is this addon still being updated? I'm really missing some of the functionality, and the 9/29/08 release seems to be pretty buggy when I try to run it these days...
between the 2 covers all my lock needs :D
I was recently carrying a addon called Ultimate Warlock Ui and it has been discontinued so im looking for a new ui.