This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
It was working just fine for me yesterday, but I wasn't doing any focused farming. This is one Mod that is so incredibly useful, I really wish it was back in development.
You can also delete core.lua line 180 to 191 and substitude
-- thanks GatherHud
if (GetCVar("rotateMinimap") ~= "0") then
prad = -MiniMapCompassRing:GetFacing();
prad = playerModel:GetFacing();
If you came here looking for a fix so it's compatible with 3.1, you're in luck. I believe the original author has abandoned it, so I figured I would just fix it myself.
The fix is easy, don't be afraid.
In the file core.lua located in the tracksw folder go to line 237
prad = playerModel:GetFacing();
prad = GetPlayerFacing();
It works fine after that change and you are back to switching. Enjoy
with the following error:
[2009/07/11 10:58:19-2117-x11]: Tracksw-1.5\core.lua:257: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'diffrad' (a nil value)
has anyone found either a more updated version or a replacement?
You can also delete core.lua line 180 to 191 (not needed anymore) and substitude (line 233 to 238 before deleting 180 to 191)
if (GetCVar("rotateMinimap") = "0") then
prad = -MiniMapCompassRing:GetFacing();
prad = playerModel:GetFacing();
prad = GetPlayerFacing();
otherwise rotating minimap won't work.
You can also delete core.lua line 180 to 191 and substitude
-- thanks GatherHud
if (GetCVar("rotateMinimap") ~= "0") then
prad = -MiniMapCompassRing:GetFacing();
prad = playerModel:GetFacing();
prad = GetPlayerFacing();
otherwise rotating minimap won't work.
If you came here looking for a fix so it's compatible with 3.1, you're in luck. I believe the original author has abandoned it, so I figured I would just fix it myself.
The fix is easy, don't be afraid.
In the file core.lua located in the tracksw folder go to line 237
prad = playerModel:GetFacing();
prad = GetPlayerFacing();
It works fine after that change and you are back to switching. Enjoy
core.lua line 237
prad = playerModel:GetFacing();
prad = GetPlayerFacing();
It works fine after that change.
I've found a local bugfix but no idear how to get it availeable on curse.