i had the same problem. i tore through it and tried to change things and even had my bf who works as geeksquad at best buy mess with it, nothing! so it took a second to come up with it but i guarantee this will work!! keep your bartender4 addon. get rid of the cycircled and download the buttonfascade and the buttoncascade/trinity addon. looks just as good and they ARE compatable together. enjoy!!! here's what it looks like... (sorry its on my facebook) http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=202297&id=510975380&saved#/photo.php?pid=6254368&id=510975380
Plug in for BT4. http://pwnz0r.dyndns.org/cyCircled_bt4_fix.rar Works for me if doesnt work for u then has conflic fith something.
Update for cyCircled would be good and a small option to be added - color options for different plug ins like for action bar, for buff/debuffs bars, ect.
All its fine if forget that ButtonFacade is the worst addon ever and cyCircled is not updated.
cyCircled has 2 points thouse makes it good addon
1) Wery easy settings
2) The biggest list supported actionbars
ButtonFacade Has no any of them
I know alot of people will miss this on BT4 but fret not! I'm sure you didn't see it just like I did.
From the FAQ area in BT4:
Q: CyCircled Support? I like my button skins? :(
A: No reason to cry! There is a sparkling new skinning addon/library out there! ButtonFacade is way easier to work with as a action-bar author, and its easier to write skins for it too! Alot of cyCircled Skins have already been ported to ButtonFacade, and more are on their way! After installing ButtonFacade just use its configuration to change the skin of the BT4 buttons (/bf)
So not having CyCircled is not a huge issue now! :D
i had the same problem. i tore through it and tried to change things and even had my bf who works as geeksquad at best buy mess with it, nothing! so it took a second to come up with it but i guarantee this will work!! keep your bartender4 addon. get rid of the cycircled and download the buttonfascade and the buttoncascade/trinity addon. looks just as good and they ARE compatable together. enjoy!!!
it's not working with my trinketmenu anymore. or rather it'll work on my shaman, but then when i log on my druid the option to toggle the trinketmenu under elements disappears thus leaving squares for my trinketmenu rather than serenity circles. this nonuniformity is bothering the heck out of me. help!
Wtb Dominos support. :( I posted on the Dominos profile as well about it, and the author maintained that Cycircled needed to add the support for his addon, and not the other way around.
Either way, I needs my cycircled! My ui looks so fug without it. :(
Guys the cyCircled need to be integrated in BT4, Dominos or any other addon that u want to use cyCircled.Ive talked with BT, Dominos author he says he wont make option for cyCircled coz ButtonFacade is more easier to be integrated and work with. I also like cyCircled coz cyCircled+Plugin = 150-300kb memory, buttonfacade+plugin = 800-1mb memory. So instead to ask here to be added in or anything talk with authors of the addon u want to use cyCircled.
Works for me if doesnt work for u then has conflic fith something.
Update for cyCircled would be good and a small option to be added - color options for different plug ins like for action bar, for buff/debuffs bars, ect.
cyCircled has 2 points thouse makes it good addon
1) Wery easy settings
2) The biggest list supported actionbars
ButtonFacade Has no any of them
From the FAQ area in BT4:
Q: CyCircled Support? I like my button skins? :(
A: No reason to cry! There is a sparkling new skinning addon/library out there! ButtonFacade is way easier to work with as a action-bar author, and its easier to write skins for it too! Alot of cyCircled Skins have already been ported to ButtonFacade, and more are on their way! After installing ButtonFacade just use its configuration to change the skin of the BT4 buttons (/bf)
So not having CyCircled is not a huge issue now! :D
I have just made the dominos plugin.
You can find it here : [URL="http://www.sendspace.com/file/mfv07i"]Dominos.lua[/URL]
Copy it to the plugins folder under cyCircled
And you have to add it to the file cyCircled.toc
Have fun :)
Toggle doesn't work.
There is a BT4 plugin and its working. It all about reading stuff, i know ppl are bored to read comments but u never know what ull find. http://pwnz0r.dyndns.org/cyCircled_bt4_fix.rar
Either way, I needs my cycircled! My ui looks so fug without it. :(
This projeect is dead. For Bartender4 use ButtonFacade.
Any plans to make this work with Bartender4?