This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Though I have no skill modding in LUA I think this should do the trick:
1) open zimGreed.lua in Notepad or other text-editor
2) replace all the text you see with this:
[code]local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
<br />
<br />f:RegisterEvent("START_LOOT_ROLL")
<br />f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(_, _, id)
<br /> if id
<br /> and (select(3, GetLootRollItemInfo(id))) = 1
<br /> and (select(2, GetLootRollItemInfo(id))) == "Necrotic Rune" then
<br /> RollOnLoot(id, 2)
<br /> end
<br />end
<br />[/code]
For localisation replace "Necrotic Rune" with whatever the item is called in your language.
3) Save the file
Now every time you are prompted to pick up 1 necrotic rune it will auto-greed. Limited it to 1 cause bosses drop 30 and you might want to share those as needed in your group.
though I made an obvious mistake with the brackets it doesnt seem to work even after correcting the mistake ... so i skipped the while IF-clause thing and it still did not work. => maybe blizzard prevents auto-rolling now...
Tried the original addon - did not do anything either on BoE loot.
1) open zimGreed.lua in Notepad or other text-editor
2) replace all the text you see with this:
[code]local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent) <br /> <br />f:RegisterEvent("START_LOOT_ROLL") <br />f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(_, _, id) <br /> if id <br /> and (select(3, GetLootRollItemInfo(id))) = 1 <br /> and (select(2, GetLootRollItemInfo(id))) == "Necrotic Rune" then <br /> RollOnLoot(id, 2) <br /> end <br />end <br />[/code]
For localisation replace "Necrotic Rune" with whatever the item is called in your language.
3) Save the file
Now every time you are prompted to pick up 1 necrotic rune it will auto-greed. Limited it to 1 cause bosses drop 30 and you might want to share those as needed in your group.
Tried the original addon - did not do anything either on BoE loot.
The Necrotic Runes that drop during the Pre-Wrath invasion are annoying to have to Greed Click, then click ok to binding to me.
please please please, this change would rock