
To work with this addon, ALL healers in your raid/guild need to install it.

When a player starts casting a healing spell, the amount of healing will show on the raid frame of the target. If more than 1 player starts healing the same target, the numbers are added together. If YOUR heal is going to be an overheal, the number if colored red.

Renew, Rejuvenation, Regrowth and Lifebloom are shown as amount per tick next to the number for normal heals on the raidframes. If the number is green, you have a HoT on that target.

You can show a graph of incoming heals and HoTs with the command /ih newgraph. Right click it to show options. Hold CTRL to drag and resize (CTRL+right button) the graph. The colors have the same meaning: red is your overheal, green is your heal/hot.

Supported raidframes: CTRA, sRaidFrames and X-Perl. Support german and english clients. All text in english.


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