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School is my stab at creating a tradeskill related addon. After you've visited a Trainer it will remember what he can teach you, and provide you with feedback when you can learn the next skill/spell/recipe.
Additional features:
* Cartography_Notes
School will add a note to where you can find the trainer.
* FuBar plugin
Very basic FuBar plugin
It still needs some User Interface updates, but should be usable in it's current state. For anybody brave enough, please feel free to test it and let me know how it went.
School's Wiki page can be found here:
Some bloke said: No man is an island. So true when you are a developer, there are some many people that provide help and inspiration. With this project it was no different.
* Ace2 by The Ace Development Team
* TooltipExchange by Usz
** Excellent coding, great to learn from
** User Interface design
** General coding concepts, specifically modularity
* Inflight by TotalPackage
** Cartography_Notes integration
* Beta testers
** Fyredrake (
* #wowace users
** Online support
* WowAce Wiki, Forums
** Documentation
** User feedback and suggestions
* Wow Interface
** Addon hosting
** Addon hosting
* Curse Gaming
** Addon hosting
This does not work for my warlock. Any ideas why?
Will School be updated soon?
No idea what I'm doing wrong, do I need to start a scan or something no info is coming up in the window even after I've visited a trainer.
cheers for the effort, however it turns out kode. v kind of you. you have my gratiture :)
rui, I don't use TitanPanel or Metamap. That being said, I've just downloaded them, and will have a look to see if I can figure out how to create a panel for Titan and integrate it into Metamap.
wow, i really like the premise of this addon, and like the screenshot. but whats the chances of getting it integrated with titan panel and metamap?
This is the last 1.12.x version before the planned update to Wow 2.0.x on Tuesday, 5 December 2006.
I didn't create School to be better. :) I just wanted to learn how to create Wow addons and I liked what TrainerSkills was doing. So I figured I'd give it a shot, and make something that was useful to me. I uploaded it to the distribution sites in the hope that someone else might find it useful as well.
There's more than one way to skin a cat. :) In a week, or a month, someone else might come around and create an addon with the same functionality and do it even better. Who knows?
Try it out. If you like it, cool. If not, there should be many alternatives available.
Yes, let's find an addon that works. Never give it any competition, and expect it to get better. That's an extremely good view of things you have.
It possible authors of addons hate being scripters too when other scripters gank their patronage.
Why does it have to be better? Try it out, if you like it use it, if not don't.
People like you are why I hate being a scripter.
in which ways it is better than trainerskills