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UploadedApr 3, 2007
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.0.1
Change Log: cgCrafty
[2006-04-03] 2.0.67 - Fix for line 125 nil error occurring when the user has no SavedVariables to reference. [2006-04-02] 2.0.66 - Added a new search type to cgCrafty. It is now possible to filter by whether or not the player has the materials, similar to the craft windows built-in behavior. - Significant changes to the structure of data in the locales, as well as the addition of new text to be translated for deDE / frFR. - Fixed search type description array's in all the locales, they were incorrectly indexed. - Added a :Reset() before selecting the "Has Materials" filter so that any search text is cleared. - Changed to _G environment from getglobal(). - Stupid mundane cleanup.
[2006-03-17] 2.0.41 - Added cgCrafty-frFR, thanks Faerian. - Added cgCrafty-deDE, thanks Farook. [2006-03-16] 2.0.40 - TOC update, added some meta information. - Attempted to fix the fastenchant secure issues. [2006-02-05] 2.0.33 - Added a check to see if the player is dead before showing the cgCrafty frame since the tradeskill/crafting UI is not availble while dead. [2006-02-05] 2.0.28 - TOC update, oops. [2006-02-05] 2.0.27 - Added a 'fastenchant' functionality to cgCrafty. Effectively, this hides the 'are you sure you want to overwrite xxx enchant' for eased power-skilling. You can access this functionality through /cgc fastenchant. This will overwrite enchants without asking for your confirmation when enchanting your gear only, not when done through the trade window. - Fixed a bug when the Enchanting window was open and the player zoned. Thanks Hjalte for spotting this and testing the fix. [2006-12-12] 2.0.25 - Sending reagents to a channel is now limited to 2 per line until I can figure out a better way of handling the 255 character limit. [2006-12-04] 2.0.24 - Updated to WoW 2.0 [2006-11-07] 2.0.22 - Fixed the new level/strata code from making the edit box / buttons unclickable. [2006-11-06] 2.0.21 - Fixed bug where the number of craftable items available was not updating appropriately after a search. - Fixed the framelevel/strata issues with the cgCrafty frame. Should match up with whichever frame you have open and properly overlay frames beneath. - Updated to AceHook 2.1 [2006-10-14] 2.0.14 - Fixed an issue with the search list being rebuilt on every update unnecessarily. This should fix FPS issues while scrolling through large lists of return results. - Fixed cgCrafty hiding behind FizWidgets AutoCraft. - Fixed a small bug with no result allowing the user to click. [2006-10-14] 2.0b - Fixed an issue which caused a currently selected item, when scrolled down, to error a nil value when searching for it. - Fixed an issue with header highlight textures being visible on non-header items after a search. - Fixed a typo in the "No Results" for crafting which may have been causing crashes as it spiraled into an infinite loop. - Added a tooltip to make it more clear what to type into the link to channel dialogue. [2006-10-14] 2.0a - Updated to Ace 2.0 and all the new libraries that entails; cgCrafty can now be installed independetely of any other working Ace addons and should run without a hitch - Now using Dewdrop instead of the UIDropDownMenu deafult to WoW. - The actual cgCrafty frame is generated via LUA now. This means that if the mod is on standby, the frame is not pollutting your memory space even if the crafting/tradeskill frames are loaded. - Fixed the game hard locking when searching by reagent. - Fixed duplicate entries when searching for reagents which contained two of similarly named object. - Added a new feature: Linking reagents/items used in the creation of the currently selected item. You can post this information to most chat venues, including any current channel
[2006-04-03] 2.0.67 - Fix for line 125 nil error occurring when the user has no SavedVariables to reference. [2006-04-02] 2.0.66 - Added a new search type to cgCrafty. It is now possible to filter by whether or not the player has the materials, similar to the craft windows built-in behavior. - Significant changes to the structure of data in the locales, as well as the addition of new text to be translated for deDE / frFR. - Fixed search type description array's in all the locales, they were incorrectly indexed. - Added a :Reset() before selecting the "Has Materials" filter so that any search text is cleared. - Changed to _G environment from getglobal(). - Stupid mundane cleanup.
[2006-03-17] 2.0.41 - Added cgCrafty-frFR, thanks Faerian. - Added cgCrafty-deDE, thanks Farook. [2006-03-16] 2.0.40 - TOC update, added some meta information. - Attempted to fix the fastenchant secure issues. [2006-02-05] 2.0.33 - Added a check to see if the player is dead before showing the cgCrafty frame since the tradeskill/crafting UI is not availble while dead. [2006-02-05] 2.0.28 - TOC update, oops. [2006-02-05] 2.0.27 - Added a 'fastenchant' functionality to cgCrafty. Effectively, this hides the 'are you sure you want to overwrite xxx enchant' for eased power-skilling. You can access this functionality through /cgc fastenchant. This will overwrite enchants without asking for your confirmation when enchanting your gear only, not when done through the trade window. - Fixed a bug when the Enchanting window was open and the player zoned. Thanks Hjalte for spotting this and testing the fix. [2006-12-12] 2.0.25 - Sending reagents to a channel is now limited to 2 per line until I can figure out a better way of handling the 255 character limit. [2006-12-04] 2.0.24 - Updated to WoW 2.0 [2006-11-07] 2.0.22 - Fixed the new level/strata code from making the edit box / buttons unclickable. [2006-11-06] 2.0.21 - Fixed bug where the number of craftable items available was not updating appropriately after a search. - Fixed the framelevel/strata issues with the cgCrafty frame. Should match up with whichever frame you have open and properly overlay frames beneath. - Updated to AceHook 2.1 [2006-10-14] 2.0.14 - Fixed an issue with the search list being rebuilt on every update unnecessarily. This should fix FPS issues while scrolling through large lists of return results. - Fixed cgCrafty hiding behind FizWidgets AutoCraft. - Fixed a small bug with no result allowing the user to click. [2006-10-14] 2.0b - Fixed an issue which caused a currently selected item, when scrolled down, to error a nil value when searching for it. - Fixed an issue with header highlight textures being visible on non-header items after a search. - Fixed a typo in the "No Results" for crafting which may have been causing crashes as it spiraled into an infinite loop. - Added a tooltip to make it more clear what to type into the link to channel dialogue. [2006-10-14] 2.0a - Updated to Ace 2.0 and all the new libraries that entails; cgCrafty can now be installed independetely of any other working Ace addons and should run without a hitch - Now using Dewdrop instead of the UIDropDownMenu deafult to WoW. - The actual cgCrafty frame is generated via LUA now. This means that if the mod is on standby, the frame is not pollutting your memory space even if the crafting/tradeskill frames are loaded. - Fixed the game hard locking when searching by reagent. - Fixed duplicate entries when searching for reagents which contained two of similarly named object. - Added a new feature: Linking reagents/items used in the creation of the currently selected item. You can post this information to most chat venues, including any current channel
or whisper it to a user. Items which have more than 4 reagents will be linked on two lines.- Made the border of the frame a grass like green for my personal amusement. [2006-06-02] 1.2.2 - cgCrafty should now play nice with AutoCraft. [2006-05-31] 1.2.1 - Fixed a few cases where the "Create All" button was not working properly. [2006-05-27] 1.2.0 - LoadOnDemand [2006-05-26] 1.1.4: - Fixed regular interval trade/craft updates from throwing an error. [2006-05-26] 1.1.3: - Nil loading error quelled, for real this time. (Hopefully!) [2006-05-26] 1.1.2: - Enabling the mod while a tradeskill window is open will now properly show/hide the cgCrafty frame. - Fixed an error that would occur when searching when only one of the craft/tradeskill frames has been loaded. [2006-05-26] 1.1.1: - Fixed a problem with the mod loading object references before the craft/tradeskill frames exist. [2006-05-25] 1.1.0: - Initial Release; the versioning is funky because I spent so much time bug testing myself.