
GrindStatus is an Ace2 mod that gives a detailed status display for reputation grinds that includes items and quests that will benefit your reputation, as well as information regarding rewards for a particular faction.

GrindStatus has a display frame overlaying the default reputation watch bar, as well as a FuBar plugin. left click either of these to bring up reward info for the current faction, and right click either to bring up the options menu.

To set which faction to display, set "Show as Experience Bar" in the factions window, select 'Focus' on a particular faction in the GrindStatus menu, or simply have Grindstatus automatically display your most recently changed faction using the "Autoswitch" option.

Options: Note: all of these options are available in the right click menu as well as in the slash command interface.

  • /grindstatus autoswitch - Automatically changes the watched faction when you get a reputation change.
  • /grindstatus hideoverlay - Disables the 'overlay' display on the blizzard reputation bar.
  • /grindstatus lock - Locks and Unlocks the 'overlay'.
  • /grindstatus showname - Shows and hides the current faction name on the overlay.
  • /grindstatus showpercent - Shows and hides your percentage progress on the overlay.
  • /grindstatus showtotalrep - Shows and hides your total rep progress on the overlay.
  • /grindstatus shownamefu - Shows and hides your current faction name on the FuBar plugin.
  • /grindstatus showpercentfu - Shows and hides your percentage progress on the FuBar plugin.
  • /grindstatus showtotalrepfu - Shows and hides your total rep progress on the FuBar plugin.
  • /grindstatus resettime - Resets time tracking data for this session.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 12, 2006
  • Last Released File
    Nov 18, 2008
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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