
So I'm an enchanter, and like 15 times a day I get whisps from guildies: 'Hey what's needed for that enchant again ?' 'Link me 15agi plz' ...

This addon simply allows anyone to whisper you !enchant <something> and get whispered back a list of enchants (enchant links with reagents) you can make corresponding to <something>, ie:

!enchant <text> (!enchant agi boots) !enchant <itemlink> (!enchant [Ashbringer], answers enchants you can make on that item) Or any combination, like !enchant [Ashbringer] crusader

Partial search is allowed (!enchant agi).

You can hide queries and answers and define a locktime (for antispam) using /elist.

Enchants can be totally ignored by the addon by shift-clicking on them in the main craft panel. Do it again to unignore.


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