What is it?
FuBar_AlarmClockFu is a simple alarm clock for FuBar users. The addon currently includes a 12 / 24 hour clock and three alarms (which trigger a basic message box when it is activated).
Please, if you have any feature requests, use the ticket system. If the feature is within the scope of the project, I'll gladly try my best to implement it.
AlarmClockFu is now hosted at wowace.com. The most recent version of the addon may be obtained through WowAceUpdater, although be aware that even though I try to only commit working code, some bugs may show up.
Options include 12 / 24 hour display, local / server time display (or both), and configuration of three alarms. All three alarms are set via the drop-down menu.
Each of the three alarms can have a custom message displayed when they go off.
Feature requests will be a top priority over the features described below.
Version 1.1.0
- Looking for user feedback
- Fix bugs created in implementation of the alarm tooltips
- Fix countdown bug
- Implement a snooze feature
No update for 3.0.2? Library inconsistencies (LibRock) are causing failure in other addons.
I'd be cool to have an option to make it be able to go off every 10 minutes until you turn it off or something, for when I'm cooking something that needs to be flipped or stirred every so often. Thanks :)
I done found a typo!!!
When the countdown goes off...it says "coutdown"
...did I win anything? =P
(Can I fix it on my own without breaking anything by the way?)
I had mentioned a potential issue with AlarmClockFu on the wowace forums, but I wanted to confirm that I am encountering a bug when the time changes to 12:00pm, the mod shows 12:00am instead. It seems to correct itself at 1:00pm. In addition, I have an alarm set for 12:00am so this may be a factor in this bug.
Out of curiosity, not an attempt to insult you, you understand that it goes from 11:00PM to 12:00AM, and 11:00AM to 12:00PM, correct?
Doh! I was inputting the number then clicking onto the next field. Thanks for the help and for a very nifty little addon :)
This doesn't work for me at all. When I try to set an alarm I type a number in the hour field, move to the minutes field and the hour immediately goes back to 0!
In order to set a field, you have to type your desired hour, and then press enter (not sure if this is why you aren't able to set alarms, but it may be). This is an issue (feature?) with Rock's configuration window, and not with AlarmClockFu. I also uploaded a new version to the wowinterface page for AlarmClockFu, which I have yet to put on curse (it will be up within a few minutes now), so this might also fix your issue.
Due to commitments to school, I haven't had a whole lot of time to work on AlarmClockFu, but I'll try to get the rest of the features and bug fixes implemented some time within the next week or two.
Sorry for the delay.
Understood. Thank you for the update.
Do you have an ETA on when 1.1.0 will be released?
This is my favorite clock mod for FuBar. I have a couple of suggestions that I think could make it even better:
1. Display the alarm settings in the FuBar tooltip
2. Allow the alarm sound to be customizable through SharedMedia
FuBar_AlarmClockFu can now be found in the WowAce Repository. There is no wiki page there as of yet, but I will get things set up as time passes.
This means that from now on, you should be able to find the absolute latest development version of AlarmClockFu on http://files.wowace.com/FuBar_AlarmClockFu . I will do my best to test everything before I commit changes to this repository, so as to keep anything in there working.
I will still update the curse page, but you may find that as features are added incrementally, the WowAce version will be more up to date, and more feature-complete.
Just would like to post now, and apologize for neglecting the addon for so long.
For anyone that is still interested, I'm going to jump back into the code soon and rewrite a few things, in particular the way alarms are displayed (as I see that the error message frame is not a good way to do this), and how time is calculated (it will now be based on local time).
Any other features that have been requested since my last update will be included as well (the ones I mentioned above are the most pressing).
Again, I apologize for not updating in so long. I will try to get hosted with wowace.com in the near future for all you WAU users :).
option to set reoccuring every day or every XX days (lottery/specific runs/raids/meetings that goes on every week)
As a college student it'd be nice to set multiple alarms so I never miss class 'cause i'm not watching the clock.
Any thought on hosting this over at wowace.com? It would be super if updates were accessible through WAU. :)
I installed version 0.5.1 and it display well in the fubar bar. I configured an alarm and waited the good time and nothing happend. So I check the source code and I found that you use:
function AlarmClockFu:AlarmClockTrigger() _ERRORMESSAGE(AlarmClockFu.db.profile.alarmmsg) end
But since the patch 2.1, the function _ERRORMESSAGE will not display anything except for the developer who enable the debug mode ....
More info on the patch release here: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=94299464&sid=1 And here: http://www.wowwiki.com/API_ERRORMESSAGE
So I replaced the function by: function AlarmClockFu:AlarmClockTrigger() PlaySound("ReadyCheck"); SendChatMessage(AlarmClockFu.db.profile.alarmmsg); end
And it works fine. This is a small workaround, the good solution is to create a frame with a OK button.
I wonder if you could write AlarmClockFu to check local time at the computer rather than do a raw calculation of server time vs. offset. The game server (Eonar EU) seems to be about 50 seconds slow. Currently, I use MiniClockFu and it grabs the local time from my computer. I really like that I have accurate time ingame but would also like an alarm option. Actually, if you could just add your alarm options to MiniClockFu, I'd be in heaven. ;)
Edit: Been playing with this today and I have to say I love it! Two things that would make it super for me: 1. Option to play a sound with alarm. 2. Host it at wowace.com so it's available from WAU.
Great addOn. Thanks! :)
Are you sure that the alarm is enabled? See if "Enable Alarm" is checked for the alarm you intend to use. Also, make sure you are entering the hour in 24 hour format (this is an issue that I have yet to resolve).
Everything works fine on my side, and I have not made any changes to the code since the previous release.