Fixed Version of Sternenträumers Privacy:
Privacy is a simple AddOn to block tells (whispers) from other players.
It may help, if players can't enjoy the game or there rp with others cause they simply get too much whispers from other players. It can block tells and send a configured auto answer to the teller. This auto answer will inform, that the tell wasn't displayed.
There may be situations, where the telling player has a really strong reason to do the tell anyway. So he may prefix his tell-text with a special string to let the tell pass the blocking-mechanism.
Some tell will never be blocked. This are tells from people that
- are stored in a special VIP-list of this AddOn (characterspecific) - are in the same group/raid - got a tell from this player in the last two minutes
Localize your WoW-installdirectory and unzip the file (using the pathinformations in the ZIP). Hey, you'r done!
See "readme.txt" for more information and a german translation.
Please report bugs or submit ideas in the comments!
Spammers are still getting through this, but it does block regular players. Kinda opposite of what I wanted :p
Works great, allows guild/friend/party/raid to send tells, but I guess the spammers are using a GM type channel.
Hi Borlox
I figured it out. I was using the interface buttons rather than the command line. Works great, thanks!
Hi kenc138,
the SendChatMessage error means, that your AutoAnswer text contains (for WoW) illegal letters. Could you post your AutoAnswer text here, please?
Great concept mod here. For some reason I keep getting the following error:
SendChatMessage(): Chat message must be UTF-8 text
I've uninstalled all of my other mods and am using the most current versions of Ace2 and Privacy. What does this error mean?
GMs are not blocked by Privacy2, they can allway send tells to you.
Just to let you know, the mod works perfect. But have a question. What if you need to contact a GM about a problem, is there a way that you can add the GMs to the Privacy2?
I am not sure if they can get thru if you have the mod activated.
nice addon!
I just uploaded Privacy2 to the Ace SVN. You can find the latest Version here:
Version 2.1 is released.
The FuBar plugin should work now correctly. It was not planned to release it with the last version, but I forgot to turn it off... :-(
The "compare number with nil" error is fixed.
Hopefully the "SendChatMessage()" error is fixed too. If it appears again, please post your AutoAnswer text here (can be found via /pri config).
I could not find any problem with group/friend whispers, but I changed some code which maybe worked false some times.
Releases are now named Privacy2-V.M, with V=Version and M=Minor version (now V=2, M=1). This should help against auto renaming of the .zips.
A version history/change log is added. The files is Version.txt in the Privacy2 directory.
die *.zip is falsch benannt,steht noch -2 dahinter. Macht manchmal curse bei mehr als einem upload versuch o.ä.
Thank you McAnulu, the errors should be fixed. and the new version is uploaded At the moment I have no access to the Ace SVN, so I'm sorry but Privacy2 is not available to the AutoUpdater :-(
Oh, it seems that Curse messed up the file name. Rename the downloaded file to, WinRAR should open it now.
Hi, I downloaded Privacy2 an getting some errors in my BugSack.
Here the Error Messages.
[2007/04/15 18:53:34-3-x1]: Privacy2\Core.lua:296: table index is nil <in C code>: ? AceEvent-2.0-32527 (Ace2):253: in function `TriggerEvent' AceEvent-2.0-32527 (Ace2):1009: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:1002>
[2007/04/15 18:53:39-3-x3]: SendChatMessage(): Chat message must be UTF-8 text: <in C code>: ? <in C code>: in function `SendChatMessage' Privacy2\Core.lua:191: in function `DispatchChatEvent' Privacy2\Core.lua:119: in function <Interface\AddOns\Privacy2\Core.lua:116> (tail call): ?: DBM_API\API.lua:3557: in function `ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler' Prat-2.0 Beta 3 32102.32544\Prat.lua:975: in function <Interface\AddOns\Prat\Prat.lua:915> (tail call): ?: Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2090: in function `ChatFrame_OnEvent': <string>:"ChatFrame1:OnEvent":2: in function <Interface\AddOns\Privacy2\Core.lua:116> (tail call): ?: DBM_API\API.lua:3560: in function `ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler' Prat-2.0 Beta 3 32102.32544\Prat.lua:975: in function <Interface\AddOns\Prat\Prat.lua:915> (tail call): ?: Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2090: in function `ChatFrame_OnEvent': <string>:"ChatFrame3:OnEvent":2: in function
Hi, when I download the "Ace2" version I just get a file and Windows wants to search the web for something to open it, I have Winrar installed so not sure why its like that. I can download the version under that and it shows up as Winrar, is the newest bugged out?
Solange mussten wir warten und nun hat wirklich wer vor Privacy weiterzuentwickeln. Als es zu BC ausfiel war ich mehr als betrübt aber konnte es grad noch retten.
Doch wie hätte es weitergehen sollen? Über ein Jahr machte ich auf Privacy aufmerksam, doch keiner interessierte sich dafür. Und dafür bedanke ich mich bei Borlox, das er das potential dieses Addons erkant hat und verbessern will.
(you can translate this text with google)
Hello (-:
I'm the new developer of Privacy2. Following things will be implemented in the next release:
- Totaly rewritten, using Ace2 - GUI Configure (old SlashCommands won't be changed) - Option to block/allow friends and guild/group/raid members - GMs are not blocked
Following things will be added soon:
- FuBar Plugin and minimap button - Option to change a private keyword for unblocked whispers (current is TELL)
Following things will be added later:
- Option for a distance check, only characters near to you can send whispers
I'll try to release the next version this weekend.
Project has a Developer, Borlox!
Very Thanks to continue this addon.
Borlox entwickelt das Privacy2 weiter. Vielen Dank!