This addon gives your party an announcement when your getting a quest item or kill a quest mob. By default this message is shown only to those who also have this addon. If you want to have this announcement in your party chat you only have to turn this on. If you are using FuBar you can configure this addon with a little FuBar-Plugin. Screenshot is showing debug message and chat announcement turned on.
Usage: /qa debug This turns debug mode on/off.
/qa announce [addon|chat|both|none] How an announcement should be send.
· addon - Just party members with this addon gets informed · char - Your party would be informed via group chat · both - Your party would be informed in both ways · none - No information is done
/qa display [ui|chat|both|none] How announcements of other players with this addon should be displayed.
· ui - In the middle of the screen (UIErrorFrame) · chat - In the chat frame · both - In the chat frame and in the middle of the screen · none - Don't display them
I found "updated" versions of this mod via google searching, however, the updated versions did not work and I reinstalled this version.
at the moment i don't have enough time. i abandoned this so anyone else with more time could work on it.
Please update
3.0.2 ?
how do you turn off the minimap icon? i dont want it on my minimap.