PLEASE NOTE: the cast bars in 2.1 are only 100% accurate for your target and focus. For other enemies, they are only approximations based on combat log events.
What is it? - Simple enemy unit frames for Arena matches used for identifying and coordinating targets
With 2.0 most of the previous features are still present, and some new ones have been added.
Race icons added, some buff/debuff tracking, grow direction, more announcements, talent spec inspection removed, and more.
Proximo's new features include allowing for bindings on Mouse3,4,5. This is something long requested, and can be seen here in the menu.
- Unit tracking via mouse over, target, party targets, death messages, name plate updates, and optional syncing between all teammates
- Main Assist setting and syncing, shown by yellow outline on current Main Assist target.
- Optional New Enemy and Low Health announcements via Chat, Party, RaidWarning, SCT, or MSBT.
- Optional Focus setting via right click.
- Optional Mana bars.
- Optional Party Targets.
- Optional Talent Display
- Minor frame customizations: size, font, texture, header, etc...
For Spells, give the spell name just like you would in a macro. Example: Dispel, Dispel(Rank 1)
For Macros, use ; to break lines and *t to insert the targets name. Example: /target *t;/cast Dispel
Where did it come from? - After using ArenaMaster for a long time, I decided to make my own Arena based mod based some some ideas from myself and friends.
How do I use it? - Unzip Proximo into your interface\addons directory. For more info on installing, please read install.txt. Type /prox test to see a test frame when not in arena. Alt+left click header to move. Right click header for options.
What happens if an enemy is first seen after combat starts? - They will still be shown and synced, however you will not be able to target them by clicking on their bar. This will be designated with **'s around their name (ex. ** Grayhoof ** ).
Support Please post all errors and suggestions on using the provided forms.
Same problem! Everytime i relog the Proximo window resets to its default. I deleted my WTF etc, tried different versions and so on... still the same problem.
Please fix my beloved arena mod =[
//Edit: Updated version does it, thx!
Kwengji, updated version does what? I have the latest version and still have the problems I mentioned below.
Yea, I'm also experiencing the window moving back to some default position to the far left after I log out.
Also, when playing around with the font options I noticed it effects the font of everything else in the standard UI... clock, tooltips, etc.
Hey my proximo keeps moving after i log out - why is this - maybe because of 2.2 game version - do anyone know of another addon that does the same or if this one will be updated
Ok an annoying "feature" I found using the latest version off of Ace. I set up this addon the way I like it but it changed my default tooltip size and font to much smaller and it wont change it back. The only thing that worked is disabling this addon but I want to give it a chance. Please help.
PvtCarnage; You can use the slash commands '/proximo'.
Me and my 5-man arena team installed this, First off you need to have a way to get to the options besides test mode or in a arena. 2nd is there known conflicts with other mods? for me while setting up in test mod the UI vanished and i was unable to get it back in arena or toggleing test. the rest of my group stated even tho they toggled test off before matches that the same names from test came up in arena. we all tried taking mods we had such as sspvp, bossmads & arena master reboted and still no luck, and again my ui never came back at all. to bad this mod looked killer and we where very excited about it. back to x-perl and sspvp i guess.
Kasper0007, stop using the Warrior rage gain exploit and it will work =)
Im having same problem as Bia619, Proximo works in skirmish matches, but if I join a rated team it only works for 1 match, then it bugs out and doesnt appear when Im inside arena, I tried everything regarding addon commands, and I also tried deleting all addons and WTF folder, still didnt help.
I would really like some help since its a huge disadvantage for me in 5man that I cant assist fast on someone who is low on hp, I play in top 10 in 5man teams in my battlegroup and it can be very chaotic and hard to find my target without a targetting addon, I also tried arena master, Gladiator and arena live frames, they all bug out.
gife proximo 1.4 for 2.3.0
I LOVE the way these look but I don't PVP much...don't suppose you have any plans to release a general everyday version? :(
There is always newest, updates every few days.
Btw, after testing this addon, today deleted ArenaMaster and Arena Unit Frames folders. This looks superior to others.
Is there a newer update to this somewhere?
I'd like to kiss you for making this mod.
The only thing I'd request is an option to widen/bolden the highlight bar.
nice looking mod, thanks for making it available.
would like an option to show the Class name instead of the class icons (similar to the way ArenaMaster had it). Even if the classes are color coded, displaying a name allows for instant identification.
I've been using this mod for a while now, but for some reason, the box doesn't just doesn't show up in certain games when i highlight at the start of the arena. I try turning on proximo test and making sure it says active in the options, but no luck. It sometimes only works in skirmish matches...
Is there any way to bind keystrokes to targetting?
As dps I'd like to be able to, say, bind F1-F5 to target 1-5 on the enemy list.
seems to have the same problem as his parent addon (AM)
if target vanishs or gets invisible, after he pop ups again, target is unselectable, though his name is shown in Prox.
also sometimes i only get 2 of 5 players shown in Prox, pala from our 5on5 team has also the problem in 1/5 cases. if this bug occures, than it always shows 2 players of 5 while rest of team sees every player correct.
this mod is HUGELY effective!
just an advise about the effectiveness of enemy detection at the start of the fight,i feel that arena master is better to listing enemy just by mouseover,dunno how... could you look his way?
keep rockin' mate!
This is really simple to use and is way easier than the other arena mods.