Quartz is a modular approach to a casting bar addon. An overview of (hopefully most of) the modules:
The core of Quartz is lightweight implementation of a standard casting bar, with configurable size, text and icon positioning, and colors.
Implementation of target and focus casting bars in similar fashion to the player cast bar.
Display of target and focus buffs and debuffs as duration bars.
Hooks into FlightMap or InFlight to display the current flight progress on your casting bar.
*Global Cooldown
Displays a tiny spark-bar to show your Global Cooldown near the cast bar. Helpful for those who'd rather not squint at their action bars to see when they can cast again.
Changes the color and text of your casting bar to help show that your cast has been interrupted (and show who interrupted it).
Displays the amount of time spent between cast send and start events, in the form of a bar at the end of your casting bar, with optional text that displays the actual duration of the lag. This helps in canceling casts when they will not actually be interrupted, especially for users with consistently high pings.
Shows the 'basic' timers such as breath and feign death, as well as some 'odd' ones such as party invite time, resurrect timeout, and arena game start, and a framework for injecting custom timers into the bars.
Recolors the casting bar when your cast target moves out of range mid-cast.
Displays a swing timer for your melee weapon as well as hunter autoshot.
Allows for creating custom timers displayed on the mirror bars.
*Tradeskill Merge
Merges multiple casts of the same tradeskill item into one big cast bar.
Use /quartz to bring up the configuration menu.
Is the buff bar movable, or is it locked onto the cast bar?
I can't find anywhere to unlock it and move it.
I would love to get rid of CT_Mod's buff icons and show Quartz"s buff bars up by my mini-map.
goddamn nice addon ^^
I just started using this mod, and to change things around, I just got confused. I couldnt even figure how to move the mod. I thought I figured it out with the "Focus" tab, unclicked the lock option, moved what i thought to be the cast bar around, but it did nothing.
Very frustrating, the options are hard to understand for beginners. Trying to find another addon that does the same job, but with a easier options tab to read.
Edit: Figured out how to move the main cast bar, tabs desperately need description as to what the tab is for. Still have no idea what the "focus" tab is for. Cheers.
yyeeeaaaahhh.... so if you read through the posts, alot of that gets answered. lol. And the focus bar is for your focus target....
Dunno whatcha mean by "tabs desperately need description as to what the tab is for." tho
FYI people: http://www.wowace.com/forums/index.php?topic=6006.0 Theres the official quartz discussion thread.... go put up suggestions there. ;)
Could you provide information about how to set up custom timers? I'd love a tick to go to count how long until my mana regen kicks in, but I can't seem to figure it out.
I really love this mod on my shaman. Just curious, those little timers like when i cast frost shock that show how long it lasts, could we add one for the totems? so like it shows a timer when I lay down my Grounding Totem how long its there for? It would be a great addition so I can keep an eye on how long until i need to relay them :D Thanks again for the great mod
Ok, I have found where to move everything but the dots-timer. where do i do that?
under the buff header theres a target header. all the options you should need are there ;)
this mod is beautiful for mages.
Put every spell into a macro with /stopcasting in front of /cast <spellname> and cast when your casting progress reaches the greyed out area, and you'll have 10% more dps
Okay, thanks man
I'm currently having trouble with the GCD. When I enter a spell for the primary, as soon as i leave the menu it is removed, and an error message displays qwhen i unlock the bar.
Gotta hit enter after you put in the spell name, before you click on anything else ;)
As for the error, im sure if you posted the message, the author would be able to tell you whats up.... im definitely not a coder..
Wow Paradigmlie, you saved me!
I figured "embed" meant put it in the bar at the end, I was completely backwards.
LOL, this jsut tells you that i spend too much time on my addons....
Noticed this bug today on my dialup:
if your lag is greater than the casting time, the lag indicator expands beyond the length of the cast bar.
This is easiest to see with a spell that casts very fast (try corruption with all but one talent point).
Anyone able to help me with my latency indicator?
No matter what I change it seems that my latency is always showing up at the start of my casts instead of the end of my casts. That makes it pretty much useless for stopping casts unless there is something else I'm missing.
Even when my spells switch to count-down bars (drain life) the latency still shows up on the start side not the end side.
I'm pretty sure I've looked everywhere and I still can't seem to find the option that I have screwed up.
Thanks for the help.
OK, i think i know this one too! lol.
Type in /quartz. Under the Latency option, look and see if "Imbed" is checked. That makes the latency part of the cast bar, instead of at the end, for the castbar to approach.
Now, your channeled spells will still have it on the left, instead for the right, because the latency kinda represents when you can input a new spell to the server. this kind of facilitates a faster cast chain.
Hope this helps!
my bad, paradigmlie is correct! GG im using it now =D
Lol, you shoulda been at my house when i got this mod.... i hadnt updated anything in 3 weeks >.
Hey, so after gettin comfy with the mod, i have found that yes, CC timers are in there!
The one thing that would be AWESOME would be for some audible when a DoT or CC or something, is about to expire, and then does expire.