Quartz is a modular approach to a casting bar addon. An overview of (hopefully most of) the modules:
The core of Quartz is lightweight implementation of a standard casting bar, with configurable size, text and icon positioning, and colors.
Implementation of target and focus casting bars in similar fashion to the player cast bar.
Display of target and focus buffs and debuffs as duration bars.
Hooks into FlightMap or InFlight to display the current flight progress on your casting bar.
*Global Cooldown
Displays a tiny spark-bar to show your Global Cooldown near the cast bar. Helpful for those who'd rather not squint at their action bars to see when they can cast again.
Changes the color and text of your casting bar to help show that your cast has been interrupted (and show who interrupted it).
Displays the amount of time spent between cast send and start events, in the form of a bar at the end of your casting bar, with optional text that displays the actual duration of the lag. This helps in canceling casts when they will not actually be interrupted, especially for users with consistently high pings.
Shows the 'basic' timers such as breath and feign death, as well as some 'odd' ones such as party invite time, resurrect timeout, and arena game start, and a framework for injecting custom timers into the bars.
Recolors the casting bar when your cast target moves out of range mid-cast.
Displays a swing timer for your melee weapon as well as hunter autoshot.
Allows for creating custom timers displayed on the mirror bars.
*Tradeskill Merge
Merges multiple casts of the same tradeskill item into one big cast bar.
Use /quartz to bring up the configuration menu.
Error in hardcore.
Date: 2024-11-10 16:52:19
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: Interface/AddOns/Quartz/Quartz.lua line 182:
CreateFrame(): Couldn't find inherited node "OptionsButtonTemplate"
[string "=[C]"]: CreateFrame()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Quartz/Quartz.lua"]:182: ShowUnlockDialog()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Quartz/Quartz.lua"]:123: ?()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Quartz/Quartz.lua"]:112: ToggleLock()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Quartz/Config.lua"]:67:
Love this addon! Thanks for keeping up with it!
Noticed it provides a "ready check" timer bar. Hidden in the Mirror options. Sadly, it has zero options. No way to move it. No way to alter its size or look. Just a toggle to show it or not.
Can it gain those aforementioned options some day?
Could you update it to the latest Classic Era Game Version of 1.15.4?
Blizzard channeling ticks are for example not showing.
Would be awesome, thanks a lot in advance!
I just came back from a break and decided to revamp my UI quite a bit. I've used Quartz for years, so I always stick with it for my personal cast bar.
I have my cast bar disabled for things like Elvui, etc.
However, for some reason Quartz isn't saving all of my settings on my newly revamped layout.
It's saving my new font choice, but not saving my new texture.
Every time I /reload I have to go in and click it again, so it'll use the correct one. Any ideas?
In reply to loraliromance: nevcairiel hasn't replied to it yet but there is already an open issue for things like that. In the meantime you can try this:
make a new makro and put this in it:
/run LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("Quartz3"):GetModule("Player"):ApplySettings();
/run LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("Quartz3"):GetModule("Latency"):ApplySettings();
Drag it to your hotbar and click it after login or when you notice your settings not applying correctly.
If you are having issues with other Quartz modules, for example "Target", copy one of the lines above and replace the word "Player" or "Latency" with the module name in that new line and try if it works. I only use Player and Latency myself as these two are the ones not loading correctly after login or /reloadui and so far this works and is more convenient than having to mess with the config every time I login :)
i have issue with target cast bar , the defualt blizzerd bar also showing , i ticked hide on options on target .
Anyone else has a issue that setting a border alpha and or other textures for the casting bar isn't load/saved probably?
It seems my alpha setting always resets to 100 and to load my own selected textures I need to reload my profile myself? I tested it with deleting my saved variabled (so deleting all settings) but the same issue persists.
is there a way to reverse the castbar direction to make it go from right to left?
In reply to CryptStalkr:
Can't find a way to do this...
Trying the same atm.
Is there an option to set and OUTLINE to the fonts configurations? Couldn't find it. Would love it.
In reply to Warshal: I would also love a feature for that.
Since patch, my player cast bar is gone. Can't get it to show up at all. When I have the addon "show me" the bar it's where it's meant to be, but doesn't show on actual casts
hello, reporting the ticks are not working correctly there is an option in the addon to change color from the spark but not from the ticks, is really weird when you try to get dark ticks because they not appear and spark disappears
and there is a lua error i am not 100% if is from here
2x FontString:SetFormattedText(): Font not set
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetFormattedText'
[string "@Quartz/modules/Interrupt.lua"]:59: in function `?'
[string "@AtlasLootClassic/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:109: in function <...sic/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:109>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@AtlasLootClassic/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:19: in function <...sic/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:15>
[string "@AtlasLootClassic/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:54: in function `Fire'
[string "@BagBrother/libs/AceEvent-3.0-4/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <BagBrother/libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>
Skipped (In Encounter)
Hi I like this plugin, do you have any plans to add a Boss cast bar? Blizzard's default is ugly
BUG: Closing the target cast bar after logging into the game does not work correctly
Addon version 3.7.9 for game version 4.4.0 throws exception on Cataclysm Classic during initial load.
Function in question: function Tradeskill:OnEnable()
Error on line 100/101 can be fixed with: "elseif C_TradeSkillUI and C_TradeSkillUI.CraftRecipe then"
The CraftRecipe function was moved to C_TradeSkillUI in Legion, but even tho Cata Classic uses retail client this function is not part of C_TradeSkillUI. They probably kept the old architecture as to not break addons :)
In reply to TriforceBiH: My pull request that fixes this has been merged today, and there's an alpha version available with the fix.
On my paladin, this seems to have added a weapon swing timer, is there anyway i can get rid of this?
Is it possible to fix channel ticks e.g. drain soul?
Also profession timers on multi craft
Anyone know how to anchor the bars to new raid frames?
"Trade merge" not working for cata classic