What is QuestAgent?
QuestAgent is a small LibDataBroker data provider that helps you track the quests of other party members. Rather than just give you brief updates about quests your party is on (like QuestsFu), QuestAgent gives you other party members' full and entire quest log, just as if you had the quests! In addition, QuestAgent fully integrates with LightHeaded if you have it installed.
With QuestAgent, pulling up a party member's quest and checking out the LightHeaded comments couldn't be easier. Just hover your mouse over the QuestAgent tooltip and click on the quest you're interested in. The QuestAgent quest log will pop up (which is nearly indistinguishable from the normal quest log), including the full description of the quest, all of it's rewards, and the LightHeaded box if you have it installed.
A LibDataBroker display add-on is required. LightHeaded is highly recommended. Other party members must have this add-on installed and you must all have the same version installed.
Comments and bug reports
General comments and questions can be posted at the WowAce site. Bug reports and feature requests should be made using the ticket system.
- Initial quest synchronization takes a few minutes, depending on how many quests you have. Once you've done the first synchronization, quest updates are instantaneous!
- You can only see other party member's quests. I won't be extending this to guild/raid.
- All party members must be running QuestAgent, and they must be running the same version! As of r11 and later, QuestAgent will inform you if you join a party where someone else is running a later version of QuestAgent. Everyone needs to stay up to date! I recommend the Curse Client.
Features that will not be implemented
- Individual objective status and tracking. Use another add-on for this, like QuestGuru, Carbonite, or QuestsFu.
Known issues
- The tooltip doesn't stay detached when you reload or log out. The tooltip library wasn't working right for me, and I haven't been able to figure out how to fix it just yet.
- As of patch 3.3, the QuestAgent quest log does not implement each and every quest log feature in the main game. Examples of things QuestAgent does not implement include experience rewards and reputation rewards. The game's quest log was completely rewritten in 3.3, and QuestAgent did not mirror this rewrite.
- I'll look into the QuestGuru problems
- Sharing quests is a great idea, I'll also look into that
- FuBar support is pretty lacking at the moment, you're right. I'll be working more on that today, along with a few other features
- Now supports partial updates
- Full synchronization happens when any party member reloads their UI or if party members change
- During full synchronization, QuestAgent now displays "Synchronizing..." with a timer under each party member
- When single quests are updated, removed, or added, QuestAgent will now update just that quest for the party
- If you happen to be looking at a party member's quest when it updates, the quest log will also update
- This results in instantaneous updates while playing!
- QuestAgent will no longer display the length of time the last sync took, since most of the time we're not using that system any more
- There are several issues still to work out, namely with keeping the quest log sorted properly
- There is also one remaining hole in the sync logic. If a full sync is taking place and one of your quest objectives updates during the sync, party members will not receive the updated objectives. The system I had written to make this work ended up not working properly, and I'm still looking for a solution. Note that if you ADD or REMOVE a quest while a full sync is taking place, QuestAgent WILL notice this and update properly after the sync finishes. It's only for objective updates during a full sync that we have a problem currently.
- This should be considered very beta.
- Any quest type can now also be a daily
- Added support for Heroic Dungeon quests (d+)
which was wonderful, but since WoW 3 I get an error every time it loads and it breaks a lot of my other AddOns so I quit it. Apparently Ace library incompatibilities.
I hope this will fill the void. I'll let you know how it goes once I get some friends to install it and we can test it.
Allara, regarding your comments about compressing the sync data, I personnaly am not terribly concerned with speed. I was used to waiting for Jason Quest taking a minute or so to initially download party members' quest log data before it was available for viewing. I can live with that, rather than bogging the system down with unneeded memory and CPU time. If you can minimize those problems and the tradeoff is worth it, then go for it.
The XP and level info is a nice addition.
Last night I finished migrating QuestAgent to 3.0 compatibility. I am now working on intelligent quest synchronization, where it will only sync quests that have changed. This should bring the speed up considerably. The initial load of the quests will still take a minute or two, but I'm hoping updates to those quests will happen automatically, very quickly.
Compression has been baked into QuestAgent for some time now, and it does speed up syncs and doesn't seem to bog down the machine at all. Let me know how it goes for you.
Features coming up in the next version of QuestAgent (r3)
I've posted a new build, which introduces compression of sync data. This will speed up synchronization, but IT BREAKS COMPATIBILITY WITH R1. You and your friends all need to be running r2 for it to work. Since this is still beta, I reserve the right to keep changing the data format until I'm happy with it, after which it'll be locked going forward.
How's this working for people so far?
I've done a couple things so far in the realm of improvements, will release them soon: