Quester enhances the questing experience by improving upon the built-in Quest UI, smoothing some rough edges and providing a few enhancements.
Quester was inspired by SmoothQuest and the add-ons SmoothQuest was based on before it. It is designed entirely for the new questing experience in Warlords of Draenor, and will not function in Mists of Pandaria.
Quester performs following enhancements:
- Quest levels in the quest log, on the map, in the quest tracker, in NPC dialogs, everywhere!
- Difficulty coloring of quests
- Progress coloring red -> green of objectives in the quest tracker
- Quest progress sounds:
- "More work?!" when an objective is completed
- "Job's Done!" if the quest is complete
- Two sound sets: Alliance Peasant and Horde Peon
- Colored quest details in unit and item tooltips
- Objective and quest information is send through LibSink-2.0, and can be fully re-routed
- Highlight of the most valuable quest reward (in gold value)
- Move the Objective Tracker to wherever it fits into your UI!
Many of the functions of Quester can be individually turned on/off and configured through the Interface AddOn options, or through /quester
i like this addon thanks
why isn't there a way to change the color of the quest tracker?
EDIT: Fixed! It was clashing with another addon, Aurora. :)
Since 8.0 Quester's quest tracker is all squished together. All the quests/words are overlapping and impossible to read. No idea how to fix it :(
In reply to lostal:
Hi! I was looking for an addon that let me move the quest tracker and found yours. It's supposed to do that and other little things that sound convenient to have. Problem is that changes on the options are not getting saved. I can unlock the frame and move the tracker to another position and lock it again, but it gets reverted as soon as I /reload or log out.
Disabling the coloring of quests isn't working either. Also, all new quests (like those in the Vindicaar) and world quests appear as impossible (red color).
EDIT: Colors are working, I didn't know they changed color depending on objective completion (an option to disable this behavior would be nice). Seems like only saving the position of the frame isn't working.Greetings,
I've been trying "Quester", which works well !, and after reading some of suggestions here - Options concerning font style and coloring would be nice indeed -, I wanted to suggest another (small) one : as you know, lots of addons (like this one : have been made just to add in all possible tooltips or frames the number of quest a player has in his log. Such a thing would fit nicely in your addon's scope, while saving people the need to download another one just for that purpose...
Thank you for your work anyway ! Cheers !
I'd love to see zone filter added :*
Is there any way to turn off the coloring of objectives?
Hello, love this addon. Would love it if Quester & Kaliel's Tracker would not taint each other anymore! Thanks in advance!
when will this addon be updated again?
is this going to be updated now or is it waiting for 7.2.5 Release? It is tainted by Mapster.
i also just got the tainted by Adibags error.
1) Anyway to change font type?
2) Difficulty coloring is red (hard) to yellow (medium) to green (easy) - anyway to change these to be non traffic light options?
3) Same as question 2 for Quest levels. The similar coloring scheme kinda makes everything just red and yellow for me at 110. (edit - found the disabling of this feature - would still like to be able to make this plain white text)
4) If no custom colors, can either "Difficulty coloring" or "Quest level coloring" be disabled so I can have it just stay plain white? The whole thing looks really red/yellow busy to me. I can disable all of it to be plain one color via lua edit, but figured I would ask.
will this addon be updated for 7.1?
Quester's position keeps resetting back to the default for me. I'll move it where I want it, then sometime a couple minutes later it will move back, and I'm not really sure what's triggering it.
I'd like to suggest a feature. I think it'd be great if there was a feature in this addon that allowed us to see the nearest flight point according to the quest we have selected. I don't know if you have ever used Dugi's addon but his addon has this feature. It's called a Taxi system. When you have a quest selected and go to a flight master the flight destination point that's nearest to your selected quest will be marked in red on the map so you can just select the red one and fly to it. World Quests List also has something similar for world quests. I think this would be a helpful feature because then people wouldn't have to open their map, zoom into the map to see the nearest flight point, and match it up with the flight master's flight points. It would save a little bit of time.
Since WoW 7.0.3 some problems at quest-gossip-Frame:
German Client - Examples:
Quest: Hobart Wurfhammer - Questname: So ein Schrott!
Quest: Erzmagier Alturus (Loc at front of Karazhan) - Questname: Arkana Störungen
Quest: Erzmagier Alturus (Loc at front of Karazhan) - Questname: Rastlose Aktivität
I've found the solution! Problem causes by using simultaneously the addons "Quester" and "Netherwing Eggs" ....
I have a problem that the position of the Objective Tracker resets when I my pet is summoned/dismissed, and always when I log in.
"Quest tracker tainted by Who Framed Watcher Wabbit"