QuestPointer puts the quest POI icons from the world map onto your minimap.
It'll integrate with TomTom's crazyarrow, if you have it installed. Click the broker plugin or type "/qp closest" to have the crazyarrow point to the current closest quest POI.
You can choose to:
- Track World Quests, too
- Auto-track the closest POI in TomTom
- Only show icons for quests you're watching
- Make icons on the edge of the minimap become arrows to make it more obvious that they're far away
- Change the icon scale
- Arrowed-icons should include the number/icon that the closer ones use
1. QuestPointer is no longer talking with TomTom to get auto-tracking.
2. In the Interface options the tooltip on the bottom two options are the same.
3. When QuestPointer is enabled the Objective Number Icon in the minimap sometimes stays stuck in the corner when it moves in the Field of View on the minimap.
Resoultion for #1, #3. Downgrade back to QuestPointer v6
With the updated TomTom, issue "#1" mentioned above has for sure been fixed; #3 might be.
I followed Adirelle's fix, and so far so goo. All my quest markers numbers now match between my world map and minimap.
Kemayo, if you integrate those fixes and release it I'm sure many in the community would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks for the awesome addon!
I did install TourGuide, so I'm not sure if that was had anything to do with it.
I just installed this yesterday and I like it very much except it has one flaw, imo.
Can you fix this? See screenshot provided please. This happens when I tell QuestPointer to automatically create a TomTom waypoint.
EDIT: I forgot to say that the TomTom spam just keeps going and going, it doesn't stop. At first I thought it was just updating as I moved about but even just standing still it just spams away.
i Adirelle, do I have to paste verything into the QuestPointer.lua-File?
One suggestion: If would be nice if you could set the alpha on the minimap icons easily, or adjust their size, or preferably both.
Here is a simple patch to fix the POI numbering, so QuestPointer uses the same number as the world map and the quest tracker; even when showing only tracked quests:
Also, pretty unrelated but I would like an option to ignore completed quests.
I second what Tatertott said this is a great addon to keep a tomtomish thing going but with hardly the mem requirements. Keep it up :D
This is a VERY nice addition for anyone that is looking to get away from the heavy memory questing addons like Carbonite or QuestHelper. Pair this up with Tekkub's Quecho and you have a great combination. Thanks for the addon!
I however encountered an error when I went into Blood Furnace instance. It kept spamming me with errors every few seconds.
I unfortunately did not capture them, I will try to do so next time and post back here.
Is it possible to make this addon disable itself when going into an instance or how about a simple toggle feature when either clicking on the broker icon or even a text based on/off toggle.