QuestPointer puts the quest POI icons from the world map onto your minimap.
It'll integrate with TomTom's crazyarrow, if you have it installed. Click the broker plugin or type "/qp closest" to have the crazyarrow point to the current closest quest POI.
You can choose to:
- Track World Quests, too
- Auto-track the closest POI in TomTom
- Only show icons for quests you're watching
- Make icons on the edge of the minimap become arrows to make it more obvious that they're far away
- Change the icon scale
- Arrowed-icons should include the number/icon that the closer ones use
I was just thinking about something like this earlier today. How nice it would be to get those up quest tracker icons up on the mini-map as well.
Actually, in your TODO, if you changed the icons to arrows you'd lose the info. I kind of like seeing the numbers on the icon there on the side. Maybe fade them, or something, but leave the #s.
Anyway, cool. Thanks.
You, sir, are freaking awesome. I await the blobs and arrows with baited breath. Downloading this version now!