RaidChecklist provides an at-a-glance overview of which core buffs, debuffs, dispels and crowd control abilities are available in the raid at the moment, and what class/spec/pet could bring each.
It doesn't try to be a full-featured raid planner, but is instead targeted at those who want a more casual add-on which can assist them in putting together a balanced raid on the fly. It is also very useful for hunters wanting to pick a pet to fill a void in the abilities otherwise brought by the group.
RaidChecklist comes with a plethora of different checklists, and has checklists for each and every class, with multiple options on what to include. Check out the configuration screen for the full list!
There's also a built-in F.A.Q. page available from the add-on settings menu, hopefully answering the common questions and explaining the different colors and icons.
- Spirit Beast entry updated to also provide Crit. -
- Minor ability/talent correction.
- Corrected a few abilities/talents.
- Now treating the Hunter 'Lone Wolf' talent separately. This talent provides a choice of all the main buffs, but RaidChecklist has no way knowing which buff (if any) has been chosen. To deal with this dilemma, if you're playing a hunter and have 'Lone Wolf' talented, the potential buffs will show in blue ("may provide") rather than green ("provides"). For hunter group members, by default RCL filters out the 'Lone Wolf' talent altogether to avoid claiming that all the buffs are provided. This latter behavior can be changed with the config option 'Exclude Lone Wolf', if you prefer to use the old behavior. The only way to resolve this fully would be to make RaidChecklist scan for buffs, which is far too large a project for me to undertake given I haven't played WoW since early Cataclysm.
- Minor database updates.
- Warlords of Draenor / 6.0.2 update. This includes a number of changes to handle the internal game changes made by Blizzard, and a metric truck-ton of database updates.
- Some languages do not have full compatibility support yet. If you can help with translations, either do so directly at project localization page, or just drop me a message here on Curse and I'll fill it in.
- If I've missed any changes, please open a ticket to let me know.
- Note: the mage "Improved Flamestrike" perk is recorded in RaidCheclist as being level 100, though it can, depending on RNG, be available as early as level 92. I don't have a good way to address that, sorry.
- Compact display in color-coded list format.
- Shows a count for each ability where it's provided by more than one player, giving even better overview with even a quick glance.
- Mouse-over an entry brings up tooltip with information on what classes/specs/pets can bring the (de)buff.
- Clicking an entry opens a detailed information panel on the abilities for that entry.
- Ability to specify which groups to include in the check, while still seeing what the excluded groups could bring.
- Hides behind a freely movable button when not wanted.
- DataBroker integration, and an option to hide the normal button.
- Keybinding and chat commands (/rcl or /raidchecklist) to toggle the checklist.
- Updates automatically as pets are summoned or dismissed.
- Inspects group members "in the background" to obtain their talent information without needing any player interaction.
- Option to specify in which direction the list appears relative to the button. E.g. "Up, Left" or "Down, Right".
- Since it's not possible to automatically keep talents/spec/glyphs up-to-date sensibly, RaidChecklist has a small "rescan" button in the top right corner of the checklist.
- Notifies other RaidChecklist users of any player specialization/talent/glyph changes. This is done in the LibGroupInSpecT library, which is available for other addons to use as well. While Blizzard provides no way of detecting these changes on other players, any user of an addon with LibGroupInSpecT will have this feature! For other players, there is always the manual "rescan" button.
Class-specific Features
- Per-class check-lists are available, showing only the abilities of that class. Use either for personal improvement, or as the raid leader to remind yourself of what abilities a particular class would bring.
- Hunter & Warlock Pet Mode. For the hunters and warlocks who don't have to worry about full raid composition and only want to make a smart pet choice. Only shows the abilities which can be provided by a pet.
- Also aware of a hunter's callable pets, not just the summoned one. Abilities available only from a callable pet are marked in blue. This is only applicable to the hunter himself/herself - this information is not shared to other users of RaidChecklist. To activate this feature you need to visit a stable master once.
Supported Locales
- enUS - Fully supported.
- ruRU - Fully supported.
- koKR - Fully supported.
- deDE - Functional.
- frFR - Functional.
- esES - Functional.
If you can help with translations, head over to the project localization page.
Known issues
- Talent/spec information can go stale, as the game provides no notification when a group member re/un/talents. Use the "rescan" button to force a refresh.
Found a bug?
If you've found a bug that isn't listed here as a known issue, please open a ticket with the details. The notifications for comments on Curse aren't as reliable as a ticket, so I might not see it for some time (if all).
Translated quite a bit to German. Not sure if it's 100% fitting all the time (translating short phrases out of context is evil by nature) but it shouldn't require more than a little fine-tuning here and there. I hope :)
Sorry about the lack of context, I haven't had a chance to go through all the old entries I imported. It's on my To-Do list...
Thanks for the translations! They should show up in in a minute or so.
Don't worry too much about that. However I discovered some strange behavior with There a some list entries that seem to work correct but display kinda weird, eg.
(Attack power, Spell power, Attack speed, Mastery) which even worse turns into stuff like "Angriffs-..." as the heading of the details pane. I thought it might happened that there's accidently a line break in the translation or something. But it turned out I couldn't find these words in the translation pages at all. Are they hard coded in the source (didn't dig that deep into that problem)? Same goes for "Kritischer Treffer" (Kritische Trefferchance), which does not wrap however.
Some stupid comment went live, I forgot to delete ("Flächenfalle/-Verlangsamung (chain-castable? what does that mean in reality)") I already edited the translation, sorry for that. However the question remains: What do you mean by chain-castable? An ability that you can spam without a cooldown?
The Buff names are taken straight from the game itself (so they'll always be in sync with what the new Blizzard buff frame shows). I'll definitely need to see if I can adjust the column width if you're seeing line-breaks though! It is all automatically calculated, except the Blizzard functions for telling me how wide a bit of text is under-estimates most of the time, so I have to use a "fudge factor" to compensate. Getting that to the right value, not so big that there's lots of empty space, not so small it causes line wraps, is more of a black art than anything else. :(
As for chain-casting, what is meant is that the effect lasts at least as long as cooldown is, so a target can be permanently affected. If you have a better description for that concept I'm open to hearing it!
That's really an odd wrap behavior if you compare e.g. a word like "Meisterschaft" (which should come out of the box without a hyphen or space or something like that) to a phrase like "Unterbrechen (Abklingzeit > 30s)" which is three times as wide and still fits on one line, unwrapped. It might indicate that you get a line wrapped buff name from the game (space saving formatted for the buffs frame or something). I'm just gessing.
Alright, I get what you mean. It's kinda "potentially 100% uptime". The problem I see (besides not having a good idea how to call that *g*) is that it doesn't cover all included abilities in this category (e.g. the Shaman totem has a 30 sec cooldown and it lasts for 20 seconds if the tooltip is correct). This might be the case for other abilities, too. It's definetely the case for some of the abilities in the non-AOE snare/slow/whatever category above. It's already a bit mixed up. You could either drop the chain-castable note or split the category (like the interrupts on short and long cooldowns). I'd just drop the note for now.
What I'm missing (or overlooking!) are "stun" abilities.
Ah, you might have hit the nail with those strings coming with a built-in line break! Argh. I thought I was being clever by reusing the Blizzard strings. I guess I'll go back to having them explicitly translated then - trying to unbreak/unhyphenate will just end with a mess I reckon!
"100% uptime". I like that. Much clearer than chain-castable. I think I'll use that! =)
I might consider including <100% uptime movement reduction abilities but since the aim with RCL is to help with (casual) raid composition, if you need movement reducing abilities it's to kite, and then you really want the 100% uptime. If you have really skilled players they can do it with less uptime, but said players would already know what their abilities are and can communicate that to the raid. I'd rather err on the side of caution here - I don't want to put players in the situation where the raid leader says "RaidChecklist says you should be able to kite (with 60% uptime), so you must do it" and the player in question not feeling comfortable with that challenge.
As for stuns, yes, Kalliope is already on my case about that, and I'm working on redoing the CC/Misc categories and split off a "Movement impairing" or such category for slows/snares/roots/stuns. Getting the split done sensibly while still having all the lists look reasonably balanced is a challenge.
Ghostcrawler would probably reply that they decided to make things more interesting and challenging by introducing unpredictable formattings. You may have noticed the shiny new addional resource in shape of three crystal balls that automatically got attached to your keyboard. Those magical orbs are empowered by either stacking frustration or just constantly slamming your head on the keys (hard enough!) and... gosh, I need some sleep %-/
Well, the <100% uptime movement abilities are already included. Take the Shaman totem, Ice Trap and Concussive Barrage. Ice Trap comes pretty close to the definition (as long it's in the right place ^^), Barrage definetly does, the totem on the other hand has that 60% uptime you mentioned (20 secs duration, 30 secs cooldown, if this is what it actually does). They all are currently in the same category "100% uptime". Putting the poor shaman in exactly the uncomfortable situation you wish to prevent.
I'm pretty optimistic that you'll manage to sort that out and I'm sure it will be really good. Heck, RCL is alreay currently way more useful than the built in buffs frame (which is a nice idea, but constantly fails on recognizing existing buffs). I was pretty lost the days it was out of order because of the missing locale. Maybe one day it will even blink with a blue flag to notify me on changes I was unaware of but should consider to react properly (switch pet, etc.).
koKR localize update (with wow ace tool)
I want next version.
I just tagged which will have the later koKR updates. Thanks for translating!
r188 is doesn't work. i want to use this addon.
when log in, this message is shown
>> Raid Checklist is not supported for your locale (koKR) yet, sorry
Sporebats now bring the 5% spell haste buff. Love the addon :D
Priest dispels were also reworked.
All three Priest speces have Mass Dispel (offensive and defensive dispel Magic)
All three Priest speces have Dispel Magic (offensive dispel Magic only)
Holy and Disc have Purify (defensive dispel Magic and cure Disease)
Noted. Will be in next release. Thanks!
I think you are missing the Mastery buff from Cat and Spirit Beast.
It is in RCL, but it's missing from the hunter-specific lists. Thanks for pointing it out - it will be fixed in next release!
Perhaps Wyvern Sting Could be added to the list of crowd controls? It does not have its damage component anymore, making it perfectly usable as a CC.
Thanks for dropping back to update this fantastic addon, by the way!
Noted. Will add for next release! doesn't work for me at all. Neither /rcl or the ldb broker. It's loaded, but it doesn't show anywhere (used to have it on Titan Panel til recently)
It sounds like you're using a non-English locale (language); Is this the case? Due to all the new pet families that got added all locales other than English aren't really functional at this point. You should see a message in your chat log informing you that RaidChecklist isn't yet ready for your locale if this is what you've encountered.
I've just tested with TitanPanel, and RCL integrated automatically via LDB without any manual steps being needed.
If RCL is listed as a plugin in your TitanPanel, then the problem is probably that the window location has gotten itself all confused. Simply open up the settings for RaidChecklist and click the "Reset button position" button.
Using German locale. Indeed it prints that chat message. My fault.