Raid Ledger
A ledger for GDKP/gold run raid.
How to toggle the ledger panel
You can use either way:
- via
- Click
Raid Ledger
button on raid panel
Create a summary and report to raid channel
Smart looter name autocomplete.
for all members in subgroup1
for all hunters in raid groupLoot charges (credit for team) and looter can be modified at any time
Customized reason credit for team, e.g.
Package: all rare loot
for 100GCompensation for special raid members
Percentage Net Profit mode*
Multiple Per Member credit modeGold
Addtitonal gold mode
Calculate gold run per member credit for each raid members
Loot during raid will be added to ledger automatically
/raidledlger toggle
to change mode- On
- In Raid Only
- Off
Easy to export as text in order to copy/paste to a third party website.
Raid Ledger 金团账本
专为为目前金团设计 团长可以记账,方便快捷 打工可以记账,童叟无欺
- 界面呼出
智能自动完成,输入 1 会显示小队1 的成员 输入 猎人 会把 猎人 或者名字带有猎人的人都列出来
- 多倍工资
- 比例补助
- 固定金币
拾取的物品会自动加到账簿 当然还可以手动添加 (物品) 右键点击物品 可以删除记录
可以导出文本 发到 微信群 YY 等地方
would request a sizing option. where you can scale it down to 90%, 80% etc size. or a edge click and hold to resize option would be even better
typically, wow ui cannot be resized if built based on standard components :(
you can choose which to start a auction. not quite get the idea of the blacklist for
In reply to oishii1992:
Example would be in ZG alot of the GDKP runs have the bijous split evenly between everyone at the end, but they come up since there rare quality each time one drops.
Would be cool if we could right clikc and blacklist that item from actually bering caught by the addon to be bid on
In reply to oishii1992:
Thank you for adding the blacklist option in much appreciated