Estimated range display. Type /rangedisplay for configuration or /rangedisplay locked to lock/unlock the frames.
RangeDisplay is a simple range display addon. It is using spell range, item range and interact-distance based checks to determine the approximate range to your current target. Due to the whackyness of interact-distance based checks, recent versions only use those when spell/item based checks are not possible . The display can be configured in many ways (displaying only the max range, adding border and background, etc).
Currently you can set up RangeDisplay to show your current range to your target, focus, pet and mouseover units. The mouseover unit range can be anchored to the mouse or placed at a fixed position.
New in v3.8.0: It is possible to add sound notifications to "range sections" (similar to color setting). The sound will be played when entering the section. If two sections have the same sound file attached to them, then the sound is not played again if switching between the two sections.
This sound notification is enabled by default for the target unit's close range section.
Displaying max range only: if you want to display only the maxRange, you need to set Text to "%d" and tick the Reverse option for the section(s).
I just started using this addon and I really love it except I have a problem. I when I try to set my mouseover range to be attached to my mouse, the numbers display several inches above the actual mouse pointer. When i was messing around setting it up I accidentally made it work properly once and I cannot recreate it for my life. Any idea what my issue is?
In reply to Diabolist_WaR:
Unlock the range-display frames then move the mouseover fame relative to the "hand" in the center of the screen. If it's all messed up, you can start by resetting your range-display settings for the broken profile
In reply to mitchnull: OMG Thank you so much! Never crossed my mind that I had moved it around while I was messing with settings before I decided I wanted it anchored.
Range display does not display ranges beyond 35, specifically the Out of Range, can someone help?
-Close range section is Range limit 5
-Short range section is Enabled, Range limit is 20
-Medium range section is Enabled, Range limit is 30
-Long range section is Enabled, Range limit is 35
-Out of Range section is Enabled, Range limit is 40
-Range limit is 60, Over limit display is off
Can you clarify that I misunderstand something with the range checks in addon/wow or its an issue/quirkiness with rangecheck please?
My setup on a character (example wizard):
-Close range (White color), range limit 4, melee range
-Short range (Blue color), range limit 13, example spell: frost nova, 12 yards distance to freeze enemies
-Medium range (Green color), range limit 19, example spell: Shiftinf Power, AOE dmg distance 18 yards
-Not using long rande display, its off
-Default range (Yellow color), default 200 distance
-Out of range (Red color), range limit 41 yards.
My issue is this, example with target range display text, but of course all does the same, since I use the same settings for mouseover too):
-At 10yards game colors the text to green. Why? Shouldn't it be blue?
-Then 15 and 20 yards shows next if I distance myself from enemy, but then its yellow, not green, why? Shouldn't it be green, since I set medium to 19yrds
-The next is merely a question, Red OOR starts from 45 which should be fine, 40 is still yellow which is the standard color so no issues here. Though would be good to see a red 41, after 40 or its not doable?
Thanks in advance!
In reply to 40PE: i set mine to - 5-19 green, 20-29 orange, 30-45 red, and copy over to focus and mouse over at the bottom of the config, i only use 3 colors and distances in my settings as a range player i only need to now when they are at my mas spell distance and medium ,
In reply to smashtactix: Okay but can you confirm that the range works fine? I've set very different ranges to different classes in different profiles. I still experience the above I wrote down. Colors are not properly displayed for me. Example just now, Evoker, set the Medium Range, 16 green. I'm 15 meters away from target and addon writes 15 meter in YELLOW (which is the default color, with settings where I cannot set range, its the "default" for range I didn't set, correct? So I don't mind if the default range is yellow for 16-20, because I didn't set anything there specifically. But for medium range I have 16meters and on 15 meters I would expect it to be green. Am I wrong or what...?
P.S.: I cannot even disable the default range so you might changed it to orange I assume.
Quickfix for LUA "1x RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.lua:894: attempt to call global 'LoadAddOn' (a nil value)" until v6.1.4. Can confirm that changing "LoadAddOn(OptionsAppName)" to "C_AddOns.LoadAddOn(OptionsAppName)" on line 894 of RangeDisplay.lua does omit the LUA error.
The LoadAddOn issue should be fixed in v6.1.4
not able to load options - RangeDisplay_Options not loaded: nil
RangeDisplay Options was also enabled
In reply to lozy369: Seems like it's a common issue at the moment. I've got the same problem
16x RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.lua:894: attempt to call global 'LoadAddOn' (a nil value)
[string "@RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.lua"]:894: in function `loadOptions'
[string "@RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.lua"]:755: in function <RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.lua:710>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Bartender4/libs/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:66: in function <Bartender4/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:61>
[string "@Bartender4/libs/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:494: in function `InitializeAddon'
[string "@Bartender4/libs/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:619: in function <Bartender4/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:611>
self = <table> {
Sections = <table> {
modules = <table> {
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
name = "RangeDisplay"
orderedModules = <table> {
units = <table> {
baseName = "RangeDisplay"
db = <table> {
enabledState = true
version = "RangeDisplay-v6.1.3"
defaultModuleState = false
AppName = "RangeDisplay"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "RangeDisplay_Options"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'LoadAddOn' (a nil value)"
OptionsAppName = "RangeDisplay_Options"
For the lua error "attempt to call global 'LoadAddOn' (a nil value)", changing the line to C_AddOns.LoadAddOn fixed the error for me.
Pet range has been bugged for some time. It used to be 200+ yards in combat, now it's 45 yards, but looks like it changes color at least when above 45 yards.
2x RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.toc:23 Error loading RangeDisplay/libs/LibRangeCheck-3.0-16/LibRangeCheck-3.0.lua
In reply to 윙제로커스텀:
Should be fixed in v6.1.2
In reply to mitchnull: Thanks :)
3 errors at every loogin on Era realms. Rolling back to 6.1.0
1x RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.lua:13: Cannot find a library instance of "LibRangeCheck-3.0".
[string "=[C]"]: in function `error'
[string "@AllTheThings/lib/LibStub/LibStub.lua"]:38: in function `LibStub'
[string "@RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay.lua"]:13: in main chunk
(*temporary) = "Cannot find a library instance of "LibRangeCheck-3.0"."
1x RangeDisplay/libs/LibRangeCheck-3.0/LibRangeCheck-3.0.lua:1 Error loading RangeDisplay/libs/LibRangeCheck-3.0/LibRangeCheck-3.0.lua
1x Interface\FrameXML\FrameXML_Vanilla.toc:1 RangeDisplay/libs/LibRangeCheck-3.0/LibRangeCheck-3.0.lua:1 Error loading RangeDisplay/libs/LibRangeCheck-3.0/LibRangeCheck-3.0.lua
In reply to Angerreign:
Should be fixed in v6.1.2
hello lua error fix plz
Message: Interface/AddOns/RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay_Cata.toc:30 Duplicate File Load Detected. [Interface/AddOns/RangeDisplay/libs/LibDataBroker-1.1/LibDataBroker-1.1.lua] first loaded at [Interface/AddOns/RangeDisplay/RangeDisplay_Cata.toc:28]
Time: Sun Jun 2 17:05:56 2024
Count: 2