All Namespaces
- |cffeda55fControl + Left Click|r to lock frames
- |cffeda55fDrag|r to move the frame
- |cffeda55fLeft Click|r to lock/unlock frames
- |cffeda55fRight Click|r to open the configuration window
- |cffeda55fShift + Left Click|r to toggle sound
- Anchor to Mouse
- Auto hide
- Background Color
- Background Options
- Background Texture
- Background Tile Size
- Border Color
- Border Texture
- Border Thickness
- Check if the unit is visible before doing the range check
- Check visibility
- Close range section
- Color
- Copy section settings to other units
- Default section
- Enable this color section
- Enabled
- Enemy only
- Enemy only sound
- focus
- Font
- Font outline
- Font size
- Frame strata
- Frame's background color
- Frame's border color
- Height
- Hide the background if the range display is not active
- High
- Lock/Unlock display frame
- Locked
- Long range section
- Low
- Medium
- Medium range section
- mouseover
- Mute
- None
- Normal
- Out of range section
- Over limit display
- Over limit text
- pet
- Play a sound when entering this range
- playertarget
- Range limit
- Ranges above this are not reported
- Reverse
- Short range section
- Show max-min instead of min-max
- Show range for enemy targets only
- Show/Hide display if the target is further than range limit
- Strata
- Text
- Texture to use for the frame's background
- Texture to use for the frame's border
- The size used to tile the background texture
- The text to display for this section
- The text to display when you are further than range limit
- The thickness of the border
- Thick
- Tile Background
- Tile the background texture
- Toggle sound
- Use Section Colors
- Use section colors for background and background color for text
- Use warning sound for enemy targets only
- Warning Sound
- Warning Sound Name
- Width