- Support for Cataclysm Classic (experimental)
- Rarity now has a Discord server!
If you're interested in following the development process or contributing, you should also check out the official GitHub repository. We're always in need of more hands to help us make the addon better!
Rarity tracks how many times you've tried to obtain various rare items like mounts, battle pets, and toys. It will tell you how likely you are to obtain the item, track how long you've been farming for it, and tell you how lucky you've been so far. Although it's mostly used for mounts, battle pets, and toys, it supports pretty much any item, including profession patterns, archaeology projects, and more.
Looking for Rarity Item Packs? Click here.
Out of the box, Rarity includes support for every single mount, battle pet, and toy in the game which require some time to farm. It also includes support for some mount-related items like Skyshard, Primal Egg, and Giant Dinosaur Bone. It'll even notice if you mouseover a Mysterious Camel Figurine, plus lots of other stuff. Rarity factors in the size of a typical group when determining probabilities, and can also tell you if you've killed various bosses this week (or day). Holiday just started, and you didn't notice? Rarity will give you a helpful reminder to run those holiday dungeons or daily quests if you still need an item from them.
If Rarity doesn't track something you want to track, you can add it yourself! Just about everything is user configurable.
Curious what math is going on behind the scenes? The author of Bunny Hunter created the original algorithms. He wrote an article about it here. Your chance to obtain an item doesn't increase as you farm it; Rarity is just telling you how lucky you've been so far. It can be remarkably cathartic to see a progress bar move up as you spend hours upon hours trying for that Disgusting Oozeling.
Main features
- Rarity is primarily an LDB feed with a large tooltip. It can function as either a mini-map icon (you have to turn this on in the options), or as a standard LDB feed (use a display like Fortress, Button Bin, Titan Panel, or Chocolate Bar).
- Provides a progress bar, which you can toggle by clicking the icon or feed label.
- Adds info to NPC and item tooltips, showing you if it drops or contains something that Rarity tracks. Rare mobs with a guaranteed drop show which item they drop and if you've defeated them yet.
- Includes full source info, telling you how to obtain everything Rarity tracks.
Other features
- Share packs of items with other users
- Can automatically add waypoints to TomTom for certain items
- Uses statistics whenever possible to keep track of attempts
- Breaks your farming down by session, day, week, and month
- Looks at your instance locks to see if you've defeated various bosses recently
- Reminds you if you need to farm a holiday dungeon or daily quest, and hides holiday items that aren't available right now
- Supports bonus coin rolls
- Automatically screenshots when you obtain an item
- Keeps track of rare achievements like Frostbitten and Glorious
- You can add your own items to track
- Lets you modify your attempt count without having to edit saved variables
- Automatically imports data from Bunny Hunter if you're switching
Slash Commands
Simply typing /rarity should open the options menu (unless disabled).
For troubleshooting issues:
- /rarity dump displays the most recent debug log entries (even if the debug mode is disabled)
- /rarity validate checks the consistency of your item database, including custom items (experimental)
Comments & bug reports
Help translate Rarity
Click here to help translate Rarity into your language.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to read the Frequently Asked Questions. Please read this before requesting support.
Not sure sorry. When entering pets you enter 2 ID's, one for the item that teaches you the pet and one for the pet itself, you also enter ID's of NPC's that drop the item. Sometimes the addon would auto fill where it dropped just based on the Pet ID. Sometimes it wouldn't. Maybe it's related to that. All the actual items could be retrieved from the server for me.
If you try it again is it the same items listed as not retrieved? It could be a timeout thing on the server.
I had the same errors. Just don't import, delete and repaste the string again, click okay, then it should have no errors so you can finalize the import the second time.
In reply to Arderie:
To clarify: Rarity needs to query the server for items that the client doesn't have in its cache in order to store information about it that isn't immediately available.
If you haven't seen an item then the first time Rarity will query the server and wait for its response. This, however, can take a while (and even fail at times), so repeating the process should allow you to have all items stored in your client's cache eventually.
In reply to crappyusername6:
Is there any easy tool to decrypt this string to any readable and editable format to add zone and other informations and after it encrypt and import it? :)
In reply to taki0501:
There's no graphical interface, but Rarity uses the functions enc64() and dec64() that are found in Options.lua for encoding and decoding, respectively.
I've been meaning to add a way to work with imports using the options window ingame, but I haven't gotten around to it yet, so there is unfortunately no easier way that I'm aware of. You would have to import the items, edit them, then export again.
Hum. Rarity doesn't know about any of the 8.2 'rares'. Especially the ones that drop mount like Rustfeather, Silence and Arachnoid Harvester.
That's, uh, a known issue. I simply haven't had time to look into what needs adding, and unfortunately I'm swamped right now. Sorry!
If someone wants to add the new items, I'll be more than happy to merge the changes and push a new version :)
It seems Blizzard changed how sound files are indexed in 8.2, now every time you try to play a sound file from Rarity, you get a UI error. The new command to play the achievement sound is just
/script PlaySound(12891)
I'm not sure how to edit the addon file to make that work though.
In reply to CrusaderEsper:
Try changing line 4171 in Core.lua (in the function R:ShowFoundAlert)
Yup, and these changes have already been added to the latest alpha, I believe :)
Hey, not quite sure if it's a bug but for for past few weeks I've got a problem with main window appearance:
When I mouseover on minimap rarity icon I see only half of a window (the other half is out of my screen). I was trying to fix it by minimalize window scale but then the letters are so small so I cant see anything. Is there any idea to fix that problem? Maybe somehow I can move the window appearance? Or I need to buy another monitor to see the other half? :)
In reply to Forge_User_79047275:
Since you say this bug has started occurring at some point in the past few weeks, can you pinpoint it to a specific update (either WOW patch or Rarity version) when this started happening? I don't think the UI code in Rarity has changed in literally years, so this seems a bit surprising.
As for the issue, has the tooltip changed its size? Or what exactly is the undesired behaviour you're now seeing? And how did it behave previously? I've a hard time imagining how this could happen if your configuration hasn't changed :)
Perhaps a screenshot would help to make sure I understand you correctly. If the tooltip merely is too far right on your screen because the tooltip anchor is positioned close to the borders of your visible screen area, then this is probably just how the tooltip library works and how the game will render any tooltip.
In reply to Cakechart:
Hey, actually I don't remember exact time when it started to happen.
I made a screenshot so maybe it will help you :]
Since what I remember in previous years, when I mousover on Rarity Icon on minimap, entire window appeared in the center of screen, not on the side like the screenshot showing.
In reply to Forge_User_79047275:
Thanks! I'll have to look into it, which I won't have time to do for quite a while.
You could try using a new Rarity profile to test it with the default settings. Let me know if this works, as it might indeed be a bug caused by the addon in this case, even if it seems unlikely to me.
Otherwise I'd suggest moving the UI around to allow the overflowed content to be displayed, or adjusting the default UI scale and scaling the UI separately if you don't mind tinkering a bit.
The UI scale setting can mess things up quite a bit if set improperly, and AFAIK any setting that isn't automatic could cause glitches due to how the internal viewport and the actual screen are different entities that need to be mapped via scaling.
Status: https://github.com/SacredDuckwhale/Rarity/issues/110
Hiya! I just installed Rarity and I would like to change the sort order in the tooltip. It says use Ctrl+click to change sort order, but nothing happens when I ctrl+click. Help! Thank you :-)
In reply to gggaymergirl:
CTRL-Click does indeed change the sort order, but I think it only works while clicking on the LDB button. I can't double-check right now, but if you experiment a little I'm sure you'll find out where to click exactly :)
I have experimented a bit and failed utterly so far XD but I will keep trying!
In reply to gggaymergirl:
So mine worked while hovering over the minimap icon itself and shift+right clicking instead of the regular shift+click (I assume left click when it says click alone), but it does say shift+click in the tooltip, so I feel ya.
In reply to Arheia:
That sounds like there might be an issue. I'll see if I can find out how it's supposed to behave, and whether the text is misleading/wrong if it DOES work as you say.
Status: https://github.com/SacredDuckwhale/Rarity/issues/177
Hey I've been using your addon since legion now and I noticed a really high count for the Ironhoof Destroyer of 1017, so I wondered if it had been double counting, so I went through all my alts armory pages and got the tallyed up the total kills and it was 526, so it seems like at some point it started to double count, is something I can stop from happening as I've already fixed the wrong total ingame but once reset happens it will just start again