Small addon to make readychecking easier:
- Echo readycheck results to party/raid: Who's AFK, Who's not ready.
- Display timer bar while readychecks are running (even when someone else initiates them)
- Add "/rc" as an alias for "/readycheck"
- Ignore "standby" people in raid groups (g3+ for raid size 6-18, g6+ for raid size 19-34)
- Raid officers running ReadyCheckAnnouncer will help announce even if they are not the ones initiating the readycheck. (Can be disabled with "/rc off")
Any plans to update this for Legion?
Broken with 5.4.7 realm names in chat.
Any chance we could get this to announce to instance chat? Won't announce in LFR because I'm 'not in a raid' whereas having it announce to /i would simplify it for all groups you may be in (I would think, I'm no programmer :P)
try replacing
SendChatMessage(str, IsInRaid() and "RAID" or "PARTY")
SendChatMessage(str, IsInGroup(LE_PARTY_CATEGORY_INSTANCE) and "INSTANCE_CHAT" or IsInRaid() and "RAID" or "PARTY")
Any updates for 5.1?
Is it possible to make the results in /rw?
Does announcing works now correctly with x-realm friends? In the last cata content the timer stopped (correctly) when all players selected "ready" and the windows closed, but all x-realm characters were displayed as AFK in the raid chat when the window was closed
OK I have a patch for this addon which seems to make it work for 5.01. Let's see if I can usurp the project...
OK, I can upload changes, but I can't approve it for release. I've contacted the project owner. Hopefully, he'll approve it soon.
In the meantime, you can find the Alpha here:
Please update for 5.04!
Any chance of a MoP update? Thanks!
Is there an option to announce without raid lead or assist?
No. I'm working under the (imo) reasonable assumption that if the raid leader wants someone to be announcing this, he can make that person raid assistant.
Hmm, ok.
need to make sure this is update for 4.3
It is now. It had a glitch in LFR that i needed to fix.