Small addon to make readychecking easier:
- Echo readycheck results to party/raid: Who's AFK, Who's not ready.
- Display timer bar while readychecks are running (even when someone else initiates them)
- Add "/rc" as an alias for "/readycheck"
- Ignore "standby" people in raid groups (g3+ for raid size 6-18, g6+ for raid size 19-34)
- Raid officers running ReadyCheckAnnouncer will help announce even if they are not the ones initiating the readycheck. (Can be disabled with "/rc off")
To get the bar to show up, and announce when everyone is ready
Edit line 54 (adding parameters to function) => self.timer:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, arg1)
Edit line 73 (adding parameters to onEvent) => function RCAnn.OnEvent(self, event, ...)
Remove line 74 => local self=RCAnn;
Insert after (the now) line 74 (if(event=="CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") then) => local arg1 = ...;
To get it to announce AFK players
Edit line 77 (replace self with RCAnn) => RCAnn:Say("Ready check: " .. arg1);
Edit line 78 (replace self with RCAnn) => RCAnn:StopTimer();
As a side project you can add the following to have it work properly when someone clicks not ready (right now it waits the full 30s before displaying the message, even if the everyone has responded).
Add the line (near the top with the similar patterns) => local patFinished = "^" .. READY_CHECK_FINISHED .. "$";
Insert before line 91 (elseif(arg1:find(patReady)) then) =>
elseif (arg1:find(patFinished)) then
If you implement everything RCAnn.OnEvent should now look like this
function RCAnn.OnEvent(self, event, ...)
if(event=="CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") then
local arg1 = ...;
if(arg1:find(patAFK)) then
RCAnn:Say("Ready check: " .. arg1);
elseif(arg1:find(patNotReady)) then
local _,_,person = arg1:find(patNotReady);
RCAnn.notready = ((RCAnn.notready and RCAnn.notready .. ", ") or "") .. person;
-- RCAnn:Say("Ready check: " .. arg1);
elseif(arg1:find(patStart)) then
elseif(arg1:find(patOtherStart)) then -- if someone else starts a readycheck
RCAnn:StartTimer(); -- this just displays the timer so we know how long we have until we have to click
elseif(arg1:find(patFinished)) then
elseif(arg1:find(patReady)) then
RCAnn:Say("Ready check: " .. arg1);
Can you please post an updated lua file? I'm not very good editing this lua files, i don't know what to do.