API and usage
Pulling the library to your your addon
local mod = {} LibStub("LibRealmDetect-1.0"):Embed(mod) -- or ... -- local rdlib = LibStub("LibRealmDetect-1.0"):Library()
API functions
realmName, isUncertain
- realmName
- (string) - The assumed name of the realm currently connected to, or the last known realm if isUncertain is 1.
- isUncertain
- (1 / nil) - whether the current realm is not known for sure (i.e., during the period of /who queries being made when a realm phase is detected, and awaiting their results).
local realmName, isUncertain = lib:GetCurrentRealm() if isUncertain then print(("Current realm unknown, last known realm: %s"):format(realmName or "none") else print(("Current realm: %s"):format(realmName)) end
- realmName
- (string) - The name of a characters home realm (somewhat equivalent to calling _G.GetRealmName())
lib.RD_RegisterCallback(myTable or “myAddonId”, “eventName”[, method[, arg]])
- myTable
- (table) - Your addon object.
- "myAddonId"
- (string) - A unique string identifier for your callback.
- "eventName"
- (string) - the name of the event you want to listen to
- method
- (string or function) - which method to call. If string, myTable["method"] will be called. If left out (nil), myTable["eventName"] will be called.
lib.RD_UnregisterCallback(myTable or "myAddonId", "eventName")
- myTable
- (table) - Your addon object.
- "myAddonId"
- (string) - A unique string identifier (the same it was registered with) for your callback.
- "eventName"
- (string) - the name of the event that you no longer wish to receive.
Callback events
Fires when a possible realm change is detected. If it is possible to assume that the character is in its home realm (e.g is not in a cross-realm group), this event will NOT fire. REALMDETECT_REALM_KNOWN will instead fire immediately.
- lastKnownRealm
- (string) Name of the last known realm the character was in.
Fires when the current realm is known (possibly after being in an unknown state). This event might fire even when no realm change takes place (e.g. crossing CRZ borders or moving into a non-phasing zone such as Orgrimmar or Stormwind). Whether the realm did change is given as the second argument.
- realmName
- (string) Name of the current (assumed) realm.
- changed
- (boolean) true if the realm has changed, false otherwise (no realm change took place).
Fires if the character cannot be assumed to be in its home realm AND if not enough players can be found in the current realm to be sure of its name.
Fires if the character has no faction AND cannot be assumed to be in its home realm. This event will fire only once per session, after which whenever the character is in a group, the current realm will remain uncertain.
local mod = {} LibStub("LibRealmDetect-1.0"):Embed(mod) mod.RDevents = {} function mod.RDevents:REALMDETECT_REALM_KNOWN(realm, hasChanged) print(("Realm is KNOWN, it is... %s! %s"):format(realm, hasChanged and "It's a new realm!" or "No changes here...")) end function mod.RDevents:REALMDETECT_REALM_UNKNOWN(lastKnownRealm) print(("Realm is UNKNOWN! Last known realm was %s"):format(lastKnownRealm)) end function mod.RDevents:REALMDETECT_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_PLAYERS_FOUND() print("such dead realm, wow!") end function mod.RDevents:REALMDETECT_ERROR_NO_FACTION() print("there is no faction") end for event, func in pairs(mod.RDevents) do mod.RD_RegisterCallback(mod, event, func) end