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I've noticed that enabling RecountDeathTrack (with no other changes to my Recount configuration) causes Recount's memory usage to grow exponentially over the course of a 4-hour 10 man raid. I normally only reset Recount at the start of a raid, and let it run the whole time, and without DeathTrack this is never a problem.
However with RecountDeathTrack loaded, the memory utliization of Recount skyrockets, and this leads to super-slow reload/logouts, and a memory exhaustion crash next time I login. I just did one where the Recount.lua output after my 4hr 10 man was over 500MB in size, where it's normally on the order of 10MB, with absolutely no difference in Recount settings (the only difference being whether RecountDeathTrack was loaded or not).
Please fix this apparently memory leak so this addon can be usable.
This confirms my suspicions. Took me a while to find out that the MemoryStorm.cpp error I would get when logging into some chars could be traced back to humongouns Recount.lua files. My largest one was 800mb. Now it seems the real culprit is RecountDeathTrack. I will disable it asap.
does this show what killed whom? As a some-time raid leader, I'm looking for an addon that can show the last few damage sources to characters right before they die, so that I can pinpoint problems. ty
Got it, you have to enable the option "Show Total Bar" in Recount's settings. Then, when in the "Deaths" window, you can click "0. Total" to show the seperate DeathTrack window.
Is there a way to make the reports output based on chronological order? In other words, report "top 5" outputs the first 5 people to die. As it is now, it outputs the LAST 5 people to die. The first people to die is the much more useful information.
If there is a way to manually do this by editing the lua files, please let me know that too. I know lua, but the reporting functions are a bit confusing to me.
I would also like to request the ability to sort the deaths by time and report just the first N deaths. Currently, the sort order appears to be random and the report function does nothing for me.
This offers a way to see in which order people died in a separate window and links back to what recount already offers. Hence you can get a really quick overview who died first and at what time etc.
However with RecountDeathTrack loaded, the memory utliization of Recount skyrockets, and this leads to super-slow reload/logouts, and a memory exhaustion crash next time I login. I just did one where the Recount.lua output after my 4hr 10 man was over 500MB in size, where it's normally on the order of 10MB, with absolutely no difference in Recount settings (the only difference being whether RecountDeathTrack was loaded or not).
Please fix this apparently memory leak so this addon can be usable.
If there is a way to manually do this by editing the lua files, please let me know that too. I know lua, but the reporting functions are a bit confusing to me.
Please fix to be numeric sort :)