Reforges your gear to the results returned by reforging calculators.
Usage: Talk to a reforging NPC and paste the results you get from using a reforging calculator, then click the reforge button.
Items that are already reforged correctly will show a green check mark over the their icon. Items with reforges that do not match the input will show a red X over the icon. Slots with missing, invalid, or not understood input will show a yellow question mark over the slot's icon. After reviewing the reforge changes click the Reforge button to automatically make the shown reforge changes.
Supported reforging tools:
- Shadowcraft (Thanks to wT-)
- WoW Reforge
- Ask Mr. Robot
- Rawr (experimental)
- FemaleDwarf
Update for 5.0 by _JS_
(It's not!)
I have the results from Korner's Reforge tool. I open the Reforge UI and then open RFA. I paste the info from the reforging tool and click Compare and get expected results. Once I click the Reforge It button, it does nothing, 90% of the time. The other 10%, I get an item in the Reforge UI, but it doesn't do anything. After the attempt, tooltips on anything no longer work, they blink and disappear.
Any ideas?
local debugPrint = false
local debugPrint = true
This will turn on debugging messages so you can see what part of the reforge process is causing the trouble.
The disappearing tooltips is likely caused by the addon trying to pick up an item to place it in the reforge frame. If you close the reforge window you should get an error that the reforge frame needs to be opened and the addon should stop trying to reforge your gear. Once the addon stops trying to reforge your gear tooltips should stop disappearing.
The following is what I put in for input:
hit -> hst (Waist) Belt of Nefarious Whispers
cri -> hst (Wrist) Double Dealing Bracers
hst -> hit (Hands) Sticky Fingers
hst -> hit (Ranged) Dragonwreck Throwing Axe
When I hit Compare, I get this:
Blizzard_ReforgingUI Loaded
[Tr] <Away>[Kevakaera]: 352 warlock LF BH
Reforgerade: DEBUG: WowReforge returned 0 valid item reforges
Reforgerade: DEBUG: KornerReforgerCCore returned 4 valid item reforges
Reforgerade: DEBUG: bsoft java reforger returned 0 valid item reforges
Reforgerade: DEBUG: KornerReforge returned 0 valid item reforges
Reforgerade: DEBUG: Picked parser: KornerReforgerCCore
Reforgerade: [Belt of Nefarious Whispers] currently reforged from None -> None needs to be reforged from Hit Rating -> Haste Rating
Reforgerade: [Double Dealing Bracers] currently reforged from None -> None needs to be reforged from Critical Strike Rating -> Haste Rating
Reforgerade: [Sticky Fingers] currently reforged from None -> None needs to be reforged from Haste Rating -> Hit Rating
Reforgerade: [Dragonwreck Throwing Axe] currently reforged from None -> None needs to be reforged from Haste Rating -> Hit Rating
When I hit the Reforge It, it just sits there.
I did notice, that the 4 items listed to work on are greyed out, like they have been picked up.
Also, even after closing the Reforge UI and the RFA window, it is continuing to run. If I watch memory usage, RFA grows to about 4MB of memory used and then it is freed in the garbage collection cycle. It continues this cycle until I reload UI.
There are also some new features i'm working on to check to make sure the item reforge that is wanted is a valid reforge option so the file is still tagged as an alpha release so you will have to get it from wowace
the version you want is r17.
If you don't mind please download this new version and let me know what it says when you click the reforge it button with debugging on so I can squash this bug.
Reforgerade: [Dragonwreck Throwing Axe] currently reforged from None -> None needs to be reforged from Haste Rating -> Hit Rating
Reforgerade: [Sticky Fingers] currently reforged from None -> None needs to be reforged from Haste Rating -> Hit Rating
Reforgerade: [Sticky Fingers] currently reforged from None -> None needs to be reforged from Haste Rating -> Hit Rating
Reforgerade: [Dragonwreck Throwing Axe] currently reforged from None -> None needs to be reforged from Haste Rating -> Hit Rating
Reforgerade: DEBUG: Placing [Belt of Nefarious Whispers] in the reforge window.
Reforgerade: DEBUG: Placing [Double Dealing Bracers] in the reforge window.
Reforgerade: DEBUG: Placing [Sticky Fingers] in the reforge window.
Reforgerade: DEBUG: Placing [Dragonwreck Throwing Axe] in the reforge window.
Reforgerade: DEBUG: Placing [Belt of Nefarious Whispers] in the reforge window.
Reforgerade: DEBUG: Placing [Double Dealing Bracers] in the reforge window.
Reforgerade: DEBUG: Placing [Sticky Fingers] in the reforge window.
Reforgerade: DEBUG: Placing [Dragonwreck Throwing Axe] in the reforge window.
Reforgerade: DEBUG: Placing [Belt of Nefarious Whispers] in the reforge window.
Reforgerade: DEBUG: Placing [Double Dealing Bracers] in the reforge window.
Reforgerade: DEBUG: Placing [Sticky Fingers] in the reforge window.
Thanks for your time and effort.