Renewing Mist Tracker
Renewing Mist Tracker provides a small frame that will show what members currently have your renewing mist buff, their current health percent, and the time remaining on the spell. I designed this mod to increase the visibility of my Mistweaver Monk's Renewing Mist buffs so that I could judge when to uplift and thunder focus tea.
The mod also has an indicator that shows the current status of Renewing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, and uplift.
The Thunder Focus Tea status will flash if there are more than 5 targets who have Renewing Mist.
The Uplift status will flash if 3 or more of your Renewing Mist targets are below 80% health.
The mod also has an indicator that shows the current status of Renewing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, and uplift.
The Thunder Focus Tea status will flash if there are more than 5 targets who have Renewing Mist.
The Uplift status will flash if 3 or more of your Renewing Mist targets are below 80% health.
Slash Commands
- /rem scale - Sets the scale of the frame. Example: /rem scale 0.5 will half the size of the frame
- /rem compact or /rem c - Toggles between standard mode and compact mode.
- /rem order (asc or desc) - Sets the sort order on the full frame
- /rem health (off or on) - Sets the display of the health percentage on the full frame
Im casual hardcore if that makes any sense... We only raid 2 days a week. =/
Where I can see how to do for config that addon? Can I modifier the size?
I am still currently working on getting all of the features that I want into it and to optimize them. Following that I will begin adding more customization to the mod.
I do play on a fiarly large screen size of 2550x1440. The mod itself is 204 pixels wide and varries in height depending on how many renewing mists you have out there.
I see a scale option as one of the first important additions, to help accomodate for different resolutions.
I made my current work public for release.
There is now a slash command /rem
You can change the size by scaling it up or down by
/rem scale 0.5
That would make it 1/2 of the normal size.
You're doing a great job man. I'm using Vuhdo for heals and he dont shows Renewing Mist.
And just one more thing, when I put that addon on my game, hes dont work. What I have to do for Renewing Mist Tracker show me who is w/ Renewing Mist.
PS.: I saw that u did an update 7 hour ago. I will update my RMT now!
And one more time, Thanks for ur job. Keep going! o/
I main a MW Monk for my raids ( 10 man ) so it helps alot. I just did grand emperoess and didn't need to use revival because i had 10/10 with renewing mist.
I am going to add uplift heals to the bars so it is a little more flashy, and them I think I am going to add a slash command to enable fistweaving tracking.
And just one more thing, when I put that addon on my game, hes dont work. What I have to do for Renewing Mist Tracker show me who is w/ Renewing Mist.
I used it in: 5 man, 10 man and 40 man (Sha of Anger) and still not showing nothing for me. What did I do wrong?
Did you get any errors? To see these you can go into the interface menu, under the help section there is an option to display lua errors. Turn that on, and then log out and back in.
If there is an error when it is trying to load you should get a pop-up. If there is an error you can send it to me in a private message and I will take care of it.
I just ran LFR today with version 1.05.04 and everything was working well.
Done! o/
Thanks for your attention!
For all of those following this thread. The issue was a localization issue. I have a current beta out right now (v1.06.01) so if you are not using an english client try that out.
Once Nandodk lets me know everything is working on his client I will make it a release, but I have no easy way at the moment to test a non-en_us client.
Hey dont know what you did with your most recent update but 2/2 computers i installed the update on today had their frame rates drop to below 10 where i normally see 30-50fps.
Maybe you have an open loop?
Hi Fluhlej,
I added some code in 1.04r2 to keep the addon's memory usage low. I hadn't gotten to test it out in a raid situation but it seemed to work as designed. I did this after a log night of raiding mind you... =) I looked back at the code and my strategy was a bit more aggressive than it needed to be. I backed it off quite a bit, you should see a big performance boost in the 1.04r3 update.
Please keep me posted on your results.
Hi there!
Thanks for the addon, I like and find it useful. However, could I suggest that the addon sort the players based on the remaining time of their Renewing Mist (RM)? E.g. the player with the least amount of time left would be at the top, and the player with most time remaining on RM would be at the bottom. Or perhaps that the players whose RM will run out first is highlighted with a glow or something. Another nice feature would be to be able to click the player name directly to recast RM.
Thanks for using the mod Rappeskallen.
For the first installment of this addon I just wanted to get it out there. I do plan on having it sort by remaining duration (with the shortest duration remaining at the top).
On my healing Monk I use WeakAuras to track a lot of things. One of those is the current status of renewing mist. I am also thinking about adding some sort of indicator that shows Reenwing Mist and Thunder Focus Tea when they are off of cooldown so that it is all in one spot on the screen.