Renewing Mist Tracker
Renewing Mist Tracker provides a small frame that will show what members currently have your renewing mist buff, their current health percent, and the time remaining on the spell. I designed this mod to increase the visibility of my Mistweaver Monk's Renewing Mist buffs so that I could judge when to uplift and thunder focus tea.
The mod also has an indicator that shows the current status of Renewing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, and uplift.
The Thunder Focus Tea status will flash if there are more than 5 targets who have Renewing Mist.
The Uplift status will flash if 3 or more of your Renewing Mist targets are below 80% health.
The mod also has an indicator that shows the current status of Renewing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, and uplift.
The Thunder Focus Tea status will flash if there are more than 5 targets who have Renewing Mist.
The Uplift status will flash if 3 or more of your Renewing Mist targets are below 80% health.
Slash Commands
- /rem scale - Sets the scale of the frame. Example: /rem scale 0.5 will half the size of the frame
- /rem compact or /rem c - Toggles between standard mode and compact mode.
- /rem order (asc or desc) - Sets the sort order on the full frame
- /rem health (off or on) - Sets the display of the health percentage on the full frame
Thank you TyzImmortal. I aim to please.
Is there anyone to hide the header? The ugly bar that says "Renewing Mist Tracker"?
You don't like my ugly header? =,(
I use it as the drag point to move the frame. I guess I could add a slash command to remove it and then adjust the indicators that you could use while out of combat to toggle it on or off. I have a bit on my plate at work, but I will see if I can fit it in...
When downloaded through Curse, it keeps saying new version available even when it has just been updated. Other than that it appears to work fine.
Hmm i thought i fixed this. Curse didn't like the file names with the version numbers. I deleted the older ones.... but there are still a few with that naming convention. I will remove those as well, and hopefully that will take care of it.
Is there a way to invert it so the icons are on bottem and the bars are on top and go up?
Right now the full sized orientation is fixed.
I could probably make some code changes to make this happen when I get some time.
That option would be greatly appreciated! The top-to-bottom sorting is difficult for me to work with, but a bottom-to-top would be extremely useful and fit my UI layout much better.
If you're going to be making changes can I suggest some more options please?:
1) Swap the order that the bars display in so that the longest remaining time is on the top with the shortest time at the bottom of the list; at the moment if I want to have this in the top left of my screen it takes up more space than I would like rather than fitting neatly.
2) Swap the direction that the bars shrink from; i.e. rather than having the bars on the left have them on the right so that the addon taked up less space on screen if placed on the right hand side.
3) Allow the health percentage to be hidden; I use healing frames and duplicating numbers is distracting and takes up extra screen space.
4) Allow the addon title to be hidden to again free up screen space.
I know that my suggestions would require extra configuration options and would be more work for you but hopefully they are helpful, and thank you for making this very useful addon :-)
Thanks for the input.
At this point, I am most likley going to wait until 5.2 comes out to make any major changes, so that I can implement them around the same time as updating the toc to make it a non out of date addon.
Karheim, I added a few of your suggestions via slash commands.
You can now chose the sort order that you wish to have, and can disable the health percentages. The left to right progress bars and an inverted view requires a bit more work, so those changes did not make it into this release.
The curse updater problem should be resolved, thanks goes out to the WowAce community for assistance.
hey i was wondering it its possible to get it back to the old view. of just the box and it told you how many people had renewing mist on. instead of off the countdown bars? i just dont have much room on my screen playing on a 14" laptop.
I added a compact view. you should be able to do /rem compact while out of combat to toggle it to the smaller window
good update :). that was exactly what i was looking for. thanks.
YW. I am glad you like it.
I usually play with the expanded view as i have a big monitor so I have no good screenshots of the small view to upload here.
nice been looking for this thought there had to be some1 who thought of this ^_^
Thanks wytsejo!
keep up the good work man. this addon is the best thing thats ever happened to my monk :) and healing in gerneral. thanks for this amazing addon:)
ps. this is aschera the shammy alt healer :)
I am glad that you are enjoying it. It was nice meeting you in LFR. Was fun chit chatting about monk healing and stuff.
hey man i was wondering if i could get your monks name. so i can look him up on the armory :)