Renewing Mist Tracker
Renewing Mist Tracker provides a small frame that will show what members currently have your renewing mist buff, their current health percent, and the time remaining on the spell. I designed this mod to increase the visibility of my Mistweaver Monk's Renewing Mist buffs so that I could judge when to uplift and thunder focus tea.
The mod also has an indicator that shows the current status of Renewing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, and uplift.
The Thunder Focus Tea status will flash if there are more than 5 targets who have Renewing Mist.
The Uplift status will flash if 3 or more of your Renewing Mist targets are below 80% health.
The mod also has an indicator that shows the current status of Renewing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, and uplift.
The Thunder Focus Tea status will flash if there are more than 5 targets who have Renewing Mist.
The Uplift status will flash if 3 or more of your Renewing Mist targets are below 80% health.
Slash Commands
- /rem scale - Sets the scale of the frame. Example: /rem scale 0.5 will half the size of the frame
- /rem compact or /rem c - Toggles between standard mode and compact mode.
- /rem order (asc or desc) - Sets the sort order on the full frame
- /rem health (off or on) - Sets the display of the health percentage on the full frame
I love it. Ill like if we can target clicking the name on the addon, is that possible?
Blizzard has some rules about clickable frames, once in combat you can not change the target of a clickable area via a mod's code. So due to the nature of the bars moving around it is not possible. (sadly that was one of my first hopes of this mod, but Bliz shattered that fairly quickly)
Great app, very useful. Is there a way you could add a frame of players that don't have RM on them? It would make it easier to select the next appropriate target to continue the build.
plz, i hope use korean....can you?
You can just drag it around. In the expanded view you need to make sure it is not pinned, and that you grab it by the title bar.
fixed!! thanks so much!! love this addon
No problem.
Sorry guys I have been swamped with work lately so the mod was put on the back burner. Gotta pay for that wow sub!
9/11...still not fixed
Apparently this addon is dead, given the developers lack of response to the numerous bug reports with the latest version. 2 months of silence speaks volumes. I had to revert back a version to make it work, but ignorance is bliss I guess.....
Doesn't work right here? :( Following error?
Date: 2013-08-19 20:53:31
ID: 2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua line 20:
attempt to index global 'ReMTrackerDB' (a nil value)
renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:20: Show()
self = <table> {
Grow = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:297
animated_objects = <table> {
Animate = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:387
CreateSpellTexture = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:263
Scale = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:35
CreateTexture = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:245
Bounce = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:288
CreateProgressBar = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:235
SetPosition = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:58
DoSpellDesaturate = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:375
Hide = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:9
DoBounceAnimation = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:354
frame_hidden = true
progress_bars = <table> {
SetupBaseFrames = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:62
compact_parent_frame = ReMTrackerCompact {
DoBlink = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:364
AddToAnimationGroup = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:271
Show = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:19
Blink = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:280
protected_frames = <table> {
DoGrowAnimation = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:336
ShouldHide = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:329
SetCooldownGrow = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:305
parent_frame = ReMTracker {
ToggleCompact = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:46
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'ReMTrackerDB' (a nil value)"
ui = <table> {
Grow = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:297
animated_objects = <table> {
Animate = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:387
CreateSpellTexture = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:263
Scale = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:35
CreateTexture = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:245
Bounce = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:288
CreateProgressBar = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:235
SetPosition = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:58
DoSpellDesaturate = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:375
Hide = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:9
DoBounceAnimation = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:354
frame_hidden = true
progress_bars = <table> {
SetupBaseFrames = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:62
compact_parent_frame = ReMTrackerCompact {
DoBlink = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:364
AddToAnimationGroup = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:271
Show = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:19
Blink = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:280
protected_frames = <table> {
DoGrowAnimation = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:336
ShouldHide = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:329
SetCooldownGrow = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:305
parent_frame = ReMTracker {
ToggleCompact = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:46
Swatter, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
NPCScan, v5.0.0.5
AckisRecipeList, v2.5.1
AtlasLootLoader, vv7.06.00
AucAdvanced, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucFilterBasic, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucFilterOutlier, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucMatchUndercut, v5.17.5413.5364(5.17/embedded)
AucStatHistogram, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatiLevel, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatPurchased, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatSales, v5.17.5413.5376(5.17/embedded)
AucStatSimple, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatStdDev, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatWOWEcon, v5.17.5413.5323(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAppraiser, v5.17.5413.5393(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAskPrice, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.17.5413.5392(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilCompactUI, v5.17.5413.5400(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilFixAH, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.17.5413.5365(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.17.5413.5365(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanButton, v5.17.5413.5403(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanFinish, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanProgress, v5.17.5413.4979(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanStart, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilSearchUI, v5.17.5413.5373(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.17.5413.5388(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.17.5413.4828(5.17/embedded)
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
Bagnon, v5.3.6
BagnonConfig, v
Bartender4, v4.5.10
BeanCounter, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
Configator, v5.1.DEV.344(/embedded)
DBMCore, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
Enchantrix, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
EnchantrixBarker, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
FontDamageChanger, v
HealBot, v5.3.0.9
HealBotde, v5.3.0.4
HealBotTips, v5.3.0.8
Informant, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.350(/embedded)
MikScrollingBattleText, v5.7.129
OmniCC, v5.3.1
Quartz, v3.1.3
RareCoordinator, v
ReforgeLite, v1.32
renewingmisttracker, vr20130731035532
SexyMap, v2.4.8
Skada, v1.4-12
SkadaCC, v1.0
SkadaDamage, v1.0
SkadaDamageTaken, v1.0
SkadaDeaths, v1.0
SkadaDebuffs, v1.0
SkadaDispels, v1.0
SkadaEnemies, v1.0
SkadaHealing, v1.0
SkadaPower, v1.0
SkadaThreat, v1.0
SlideBar, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
Stubby, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
TidyPlates, v6.11.3
TidyPlatesGraphite, v
TidyPlatesGrey, v
TidyPlatesNeon, v
TidyPlatesQuatre, v
TidyPlatesThreatPlates, v6.008
TidyPlatesHub, v
TidyPlatesWidgets, v
TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.351(/embedded)
TomTom, vv50300-1.0.1
WIM, v3.6.9
XPerl, v3.7.1
XPerlArcaneBar, v
XPerlOptions, v
XPerlParty, v
XPerlPartyPet, v
XPerlPlayer, v
XPerlPlayerBuffs, v
XPerlPlayerPet, v
XPerlRaidAdmin, v
XPerlRaidFrames, v
XPerlRaidHelper, v
XPerlRaidPets, v
XPerlTarget, v
XPerlTargetTarget, v
ZygorGuidesViewer, v4.0
BlizRuntimeLib_deDE v5.3.0.50300 <eu>
Great addon! However, Elvui Enhanced updated today and now this addon is not working anymore, has lua error codes, but I see you are working on an update, do you think it will be compatible with the Elvui Enhanced? I really don't want to loose this addon!!! Thanks =-)
I love this addon, but have come to a wall.... I changed servers, and when I reloaded this addon, it went all wonky, the buttons wont do anything, they wont flash, or bounce or anything, mana tea is always up (even when I have no stacks), I've tried reloading the game, deleteing the addon (and all related files) and redownloading it... it's still broken. Am I missing a place I still need to clean to fix this?
Hello, i had the same issue, but it works fine for me now. Please remove your Renewing mist tracker from Wow/addons and then downlaod an older version. ( Just press download and you'll get it. That worked fine for me. Thanks :)
Currently having issues where the scale of the frame doesn't stay between plays, I have to reset it every time I log in. Also, the /rem lock functions don't seem to work as the game doesn't even let me properly enter it in.
that's probably due to the bug in the my previous report. Revert to the previous version and the problem will go away till it is properly fixed. The issue has been reported on the wowace ticket system but so far no response.
1x renewing-mist-tracker-r20130731035532\Ui.lua:221: attempt to index field "dragLock" (a nil value)
renewing-mist-tracker-r20130731035532\Ui.lua:221: in function "SetupBaseFrames"
renewing-mist-tracker-r20130731035532\Main.lua:551: in function <renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:530>
self = RenewingMistTracker {
0 = <userdata>
event = "ADDON_LOADED"
arg1 = "renewing-mist-tracker"
remTracker = <table> {
SpellIDs = <table> {}
CacheUserInfoForUnitID = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:399
HasGlyph = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:378
AnimateFrame = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:296
playerLogin = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:280
slash_cmd = <table> {}
GetLocalSpellName = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:32
GetLocalSpellNameFromID = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:10
GetSpellID = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:18
HasManaTeaGlyph = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:395
BlinkFrame = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:305
data = <table> {}
ui = <table> {}
updateStatusBars = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:81
CombatLogEvent = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:402
IsHealingSpec = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:359
createStatusBars = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:222
RegisterIndicators = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:421
QueryGlyphs = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:363
OnUpdate = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:319
myData = <table> {
players = <table> {}
player = <table> {}
current_rem_targets = 0
statusBars = <table> {}
targets_under_80pct = 0
renewing_mist_targets = <table> {}
renewing_mist_heals = <table> {}
1x renewing-mist-tracker-r20130522030017\Ui.lua:290: attempt to compare number with nil
renewing-mist-tracker-r20130522030017\Ui.lua:290: in function "grow"
renewing-mist-tracker-r20130522030017\Ui.lua:373: in function "Animate"
renewing-mist-tracker-r20130522030017\Main.lua:356: in function <renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:319>
self = <table> {
Grow = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:271
animated_objects = <table> {}
Animate = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:361
CreateSpellTexture = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:237
Scale = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:35
CreateTexture = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:219
Bounce = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:262
CreateProgressBar = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:209
SetPosition = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:58
DoSpellDesaturate = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:349
Hide = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:9
DoBounceAnimation = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:328
frame_hidden = false
progress_bars = <table> {}
SetupBaseFrames = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:62
compact_parent_frame = ReMTrackerCompact {}
DoBlink = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:338
AddToAnimationGroup = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:245
Show = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:19
Blink = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:254
protected_frames = <table> {}
DoGrowAnimation = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:310
ShouldHide = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:303
SetCooldownGrow = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:279
parent_frame = ReMTracker {}
ToggleCompact = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:46
elapsed = 0.040000002831221
(for generator) = <func> =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
1 = <unnamed> {}
2 = <unnamed> {}
3 = <unnamed> {}
4 = <unnamed> {}
(for control) = 1
k = 1
v = <unnamed> {
spell_name = "Renewing Mist"
bounce_time = 0.75
animationTime = 0
bounce = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Main.lua:422
animation_state = "bounce"
max_height = 32
grow = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:286
max_width = 32
anchor_point = <table> {}
0 = <userdata>
animation_time = 1060.8390343301
bounce_height = 7
ui = <table> {
Grow = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:271
animated_objects = <table> {}
Animate = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:361
CreateSpellTexture = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:237
Scale = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:35
CreateTexture = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:219
Bounce = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:262
CreateProgressBar = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:209
SetPosition = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:58
DoSpellDesaturate = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:349
Hide = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:9
DoBounceAnimation = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:328
frame_hidden = false
progress_bars = <table> {}
SetupBaseFrames = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:62
compact_parent_frame = ReMTrackerCompact {}
DoBlink = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:338
AddToAnimationGroup = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:245
Show = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:19
Blink = <func> @renewing-mist-tracker\Ui.lua:254
protected_frames = <table> {}
DoGrowAnimation = <func> @Interface
This (By Shadosan);
That's a great addon!
One suggestion : Allow a toggle which show/hide it depending on being in a party, or in combat. That'd be even more awesome!