Renewing Mist Tracker
Renewing Mist Tracker provides a small frame that will show what members currently have your renewing mist buff, their current health percent, and the time remaining on the spell. I designed this mod to increase the visibility of my Mistweaver Monk's Renewing Mist buffs so that I could judge when to uplift and thunder focus tea.
The mod also has an indicator that shows the current status of Renewing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, and uplift.
The Thunder Focus Tea status will flash if there are more than 5 targets who have Renewing Mist.
The Uplift status will flash if 3 or more of your Renewing Mist targets are below 80% health.
The mod also has an indicator that shows the current status of Renewing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, and uplift.
The Thunder Focus Tea status will flash if there are more than 5 targets who have Renewing Mist.
The Uplift status will flash if 3 or more of your Renewing Mist targets are below 80% health.
Slash Commands
- /rem scale - Sets the scale of the frame. Example: /rem scale 0.5 will half the size of the frame
- /rem compact or /rem c - Toggles between standard mode and compact mode.
- /rem order (asc or desc) - Sets the sort order on the full frame
- /rem health (off or on) - Sets the display of the health percentage on the full frame
Now that they have given ReM interaction with Vivify it would be really great to see this addon updated and possibly add the feature to have the bar texture and text be changed!
For those interested, I modified this addon slightly so you will not be inundated with lua errors while using it. It just removes one of the graphic effects for when you don't have enough mana to cast something. I tried to do a workaround for the error but wasn't having any luck so I just commented out that section for the time being. It was only the UI.lua file that needed updating!
GoogleDrive link for file.
Sorry for the super late update.
Due to the Legion changes I have gone Brewmaster, and I have been focusing on that. It looks like there were a lot of errors due to Blizzard removing Uplift. I have removed the indicators on the large frame for Uplift and Mana Tea. The addon now loads for me. Let me know if you guys experience any more issues,.
Hopefully this add-on will continue to support Legion 7?
Thank you for your dedicated hard work and making our playtime more enjoyable.
As of this date, it still doesn't work for me.
Hi there, great addon but i appreciate it if u could add 2 following options:
- hide if buff is not active
- hide if not in combat
+ (hide if buff is not active)
This would be very nice for some people like me to minimalize the ui as possible the minimized form u coded is just amazing but as i say would u code this little extra it would be just perfect
ps: this is a wish for ur minimized version i dont know if it would fit in the normal form but i also think this is not neccessary ( the "hide if not active" method of cause^^)
Without this addon, I'd be a terrible Monk healer. I, too, have the problem with the addon loading at inappropriate times, i.e. when I'm not a monk!
First, it appears the code assumes that your healing spec is your first (primary) talent set. It just so happens this is true for me.
Secondly, at PLAYER_LOGIN, the code checks if you're a MONK. If not, you get a message saying as much that also indicates the addon is "... not loading." This is all well and good; however, ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED (and other events) are registered prior to this class check. This means the addon "does nothing" when I first log in a non-monk toon but if while logged in I change spec, the aforementioned event is fired and the addon suddenly becomes active. The only way to dismiss the erroneous activation is to then /reload.
It's less than an ideal "fix" but I added two lines just below the if statement testing for ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED (line 562) in Main.lua in function OnEvent():
local localizedClass, englishClass = UnitClass("player")
if englishClass ~= "MONK" then return end
The proper way to fix it would be to not register event listeners on non-monk classes but this quick tweak works fine.
Hey man. Thanks for the feedback.
I have been on a huge project at work since the beginning of the year. I think I will have some spare time to look at this again, I will try and merge in your bug fix into the current version and get that out there for everyone else who uses this mod.
Request: Can you update this to also show the Extend Life buff on the affected characters?
Please update this for 6.2, as it's an awesome addon for raid healing as MW monk! Good job with it :)
This is my favorite addon as my main is a mistweaver monk and I find it to be invaluable, but please please please add a way to change the textures or add different looks to the addon, I would love for it to match my elvui layout.
So how do I turn it off? Can't see a command for that. Can't even see it in the ingame addon list in the secondary tab that shows all the addons you have loaded and lets you click on them and bring up any settings they have. Only way I can see to close it is to actualy unload it and then do a /reload. I want it to only be visible in combat. Its great in combat but very annoying at any other time.
Is there a way, or could we ever see a way, to hide the tracker when there is not Renewing Mist HoT to track? Other than that, I love this addon!
This addons seems on the right track but it's missing what I'm looking for a Renewing Mist Tracker. Currently this need a customization panel. A way to turn off clicking/locking the frame, reduce the uneccessary animation that some people don't enjoy.
I would also like a way to switch the current display. Have the the UI show me the bar as the health of the player affected by it instead of the timer. And have a text for the remaining duration where the HP is currently.
any way of making the ReM / TFT UL not bouncing up and down its rather distracting
The bouncing bugged me too. Just comment out lines 380 through 385 in the UI.lua file. Like this:
--elseif v.bounce and v.bounce() then
--if v.animation_state ~= 'bounce' then
--v.animation_state = 'bounce'
--v.animation_time = 0
Nice add-on. I'd really love to see the option to have the full frame fill upwards instead of downwards... so I can anchor it above my raid frames, with the renewing mists display growing upwards instead of down. Any chance we could see that happen?
I added this to line 130 of UI.lua ...
I like my UI to be static :) - this makes it locked by default.
Nice Addon, thanks :)
Can you make this addon for Rejuvenation for druids please? would rock .. it works the exact same way as renewing mist and uplift for rejuvenation and genesis....
Love this addon! - Quick question, anyway to change the texture used for the background image in compact mode?!
Anyway to hide out of combat?