
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This is an addon to track the next ability to use as a rogue. In addition to a visual output for the spell to use, it has the option to prompt using audio cues when the ability is able to be used.

Currently, it is only set up for use for Combat and Assassination specs.

Combat Priority Queue

  1. If you're stealthed, then Ambush
  2. If you have combo points, and less time on Slice and Dice than in the settings, suggest Slice and Dice
  3. If target doesn't have an armor debuff, and at least as much CP as in the settings, suggest Expose Armor
  4. If you have at least 1 CP, and less time on your Rupture than in the settings, and you have Use Rupture active, suggest Rupture
  5. If you have 5 CP, Eviscerate
  6. If the revealing strike debuff is off, Revealing Strike
  7. Sinister Strike

Assassination Priority Queue

  1. If you're stealthed, then Mutilate
  2. If you have CP and Rupture isn't up, Rupture
  3. If you have CP and Slice and Dice isn't up, Slice and Dice
  4. If you have CP, Slice and Dice is under the setting, Envenom
  5. If you have CP and Rupture is under the setting
    1. If Rupture has less than 1.25 seconds and you have at least as many CP as the last Rupture, Refresh Rupture
    2. If you have at least a second left on Rupture, and have more than 60 energy, either Dispatch or Mutilate as appropriate
    3. Else wait for Rupture to be ready (and display a timer overlay until Rupture is to be cast)
  6. If you have the Blindside buff and less than 5 CP, suggest Dispatch
  7. If you have at least 4 CP (or 5 if Murderous Intent is active)
    1. If you have either no envenom buff or more than 105 energy, suggest Envenom
    2. If Envenom buff is still active, display Envenom with a cooldown overlay for when the buff runs out. (No audio cue until buff runs out)
  8. Build up CP with either Dispatch or Mutilate

Subtlety Priority Queue

  1. At 4 CP, wait for Honor Among Thieves to proc an additional point
  2. Decide finisher to use if at 5 CP (each assumes the suggested spell is no longer active)
    1. If Master of Subtlety is active, Rupture
    2. Slice and Dice
    3. Without Master of Subtlety, Rupture
    4. Eviscerate
  3. Build Combo Points
    1. If Stealthed
      1. No more than 3 CP, Premeditation
      2. Shadowstep
      3. Ambush
    2. If Hemorrhage has expired, Hemorrhage
    3. If Suggest Backstab is enabled, Backstab
    4. Hemorrhage

There's also the additional ability to turn on the suggestion of Feint and Tricks of the Trade. These will be suggested if you don't have anything else to currently cast, the spell is off cooldown. Energy is not accounted for (assumes you have the Glyphs).


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 22, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Oct 4, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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