RoleIcons is a tiny UI mod that adds Blizzard's party/raid role icons (tank/heal/dps) in several useful places in your UI, and provides several other related features.
Role icons are added to:
- The Blizzard raid tab. The role icons replace the level field for max level players.
- Game tooltip when you mouse over a player or raid frame
- Target frame
- HealBot unit frames
- HealBot and Vuhdo tooltip when you mouse over a raid frame
- Party/Raid chat (Blizzard chat frames, Prat, Chatter, WIM)
- NEW in 4.2: System messages that mention group members
- NEW in 4.3: Player popup context menus
- NEW in 4.4: Group member tooltips on map and minimap
Other features:
- Enhances the Blizzard Raid tab with role summary counts and class summary counts
- Adds a role-check button to the Raid tab
- Blizzard Raid tab can now be left-clicked to target a raid member
- Blizzard Raid tab can now be middle-clicked to set a raid member's role
- Automatically sets your role based on your spec when joining a raid or respeccing
- Automatically replies to role checks from the raid leader based on your spec
- Adds a tooltip showing the tier token breakdown for the current raid members
- NEW in 4.0: Displays the "hosting" realm name while in cross-realm groups, showing when it changes and why
- All features are optional and can be toggled using /ri
Basic Usage:
- Install as usual
- It Just Works! (tm)
Command Line Usage:
- /ri help - Get info on command-line options
- /ri check, /rolecheck - perform a Role Check (must be leader or raid assistant)
Featured in a Curse Addon Spotlight!!!
Bug reports or feature requests
Forum thread for general discussion
I'm just blown away by the simplicity and ideas you put into this addon. Having role icons on system messages such as joined/left is just ... amazing.
However, there is a catch ;) In one of the previous alphas you displayed the full realm name. Now it's only the first three letters. Unfortunately, on deDE many realms share similar names, such as "Die Aldor" or "Die Nachtwache". To make matters worse, those are in the same realm pool. Some people (*whistles innocently*) have prejudices against player from certain realms and having an option to display the full realm name would be very much appreciated :)
Glad you like :-)
You can toggle the server abbreviations with the command:
/ri trimserver
Thanks for the info on the German servers, I'll look into making the trimming smarter for those.
Thank you :)
Thanks for making some of the behaviours toggleable. I primarily want the bits that add the role icons to the raid tab (for arranging groups in LFR's Leishen and such), but *hate* automated role-setting.
That this can be easily toggled is wonderful.
That it can be toggled is not immediately apparent from reading the description because of the "it just works" part (and my not noticing the "command-line options" below.) It wasn't until I started mucking in the code that I saw the slash commands. :)
Anyway... THANKS!
I cannot convert to raid anymore. When I open raid window it is blank. I close it and open it again it is there. The convert to raid button will not work. Is it possible this addon is interfering with another?
I've had no reports of any such problem, but it's possible that some other addon you are running is involved. Please post a ticket with your complete list of addons here:
New in addon version 4.0 (currently in beta testing):
Bug reports or feature requests:
Good catch! Healbot apparently changed it's internals recently.
Fixed in addon version 3.2.5
Thanks for the report, see ticket 8.
There is no count for Hunter class in this..all classes are there but hunters
I could swear this used to work for Vuhdo. It no longer seems to? :((
Vuhdo has built-in support for displaying a role icon on the health bars.
RoleIcons adds a role icon to the Vuhdo tooltip (when you mouseover a bar). I just tested with the latest version and it's still working fine. Note that when you're outside an instance group and no Blizzard roles are assigned, Vuhdo attempts to "guess" the roles by scanning specs and puts that on the health bars. This is sometimes handy but potentially misleading, and can easily be wrong after a respec. RoleIcons does not do this - it displays the explicitly-assigned Blizzard roles, and if no Blizzard role is assigned the RoleIcons tooltip will have no icon (even though the Vuhdo bar might show a "guessed" role).
This addon continues to be astoundingly awesome.
Is there anyway you could have it place the role icons onto Healbot's bars?
Added this feature in 3.0 beta 1, try it and see what you think.
Adding the icons to Healbot looks amazing! thank you so much. But now i have another challenge for you, lol. Can you add an option so that you can select which role icons to display.
I don't like the idea of only showing selected roles for part of the group. If you're just looking for a way to easily identify the tanks, HealBot already has an option to place all the tank frames together in a single section (Skins/Healing/Healing Bars/Main tanks). That's much better than having a few tank icons scattered throughout the raid.
Hello, I rather enjoy the idea of this addon as it makes checking people's roles easier and all that jazz.
But i've encountered an issue. In it's most useful form, the icon on the chat, I get text rather then anything else, it says [tinerfacePLAYERNAMEHERE]:
(Playernamehere being the player's name) and it's a bit annoying to tell the truth. I only use Chatter as an addon to mod the chat screen, are these two incompatible?
It works fine for me using Chatter, but Chatter also has alot of options that may somehow affect it.
Please post a bug report with complete information here: